Very well put, thanks for posting.
I don’t see any solution that might work by trusting anyone to “do the right thing” though.
People will always take the option of becoming rentier if it is presented to them, as the alternative is to risk becoming the renter.
In my own case I am a part owner of my flat in a 64 flat complex. I supposedly own part of my flat, bought by a lump sum, and pay rent on the remainder.
I am now seeing the building slowly emptying as occupants slowly disappear over time, either succumbing to no longer being able to sustain the rent, thus losing their owned portion, or staircasing the proportion owned by sub letting out their right to live in the apartment via airbnb.
Of course the whole complex is owned by an over-arching rentier, who built the property.
It is the same throughout profit driven society, we feed on one another, and our planet, or be fed on.
But you touched on a key point, the banks create money, and debt, from nothing.
It means actually debt is nothing, other than something that drives each of us to feed on our fellow humans, and our planet.
Further, it means everything bought by it, and achieved by it is an illusion.
Everything owned is an illusion.
We fall under this illusion that debt and ownership is a solid, real thing, and the “riches” of billionaires is real.
Of course it is an illusion, it is not physically possible for one human to be worth hundreds, thousands, millions, or billions of others.
The illusion began thousands of years ago when somehow we got convinced it is ok to gain at the expense of someone else, or at the expense of the environment of somebody or something else.
Since then we piled all of our logic and ingenuity into finding ever more elaborate ways of doing that, ways of making the illusion ever more abstract and profound.
Instead of working on things like immortality, space exploration, and pre-emptive vaccines, for examples.
Armies can be paid to force compliance with the illusion, but eventually even they see through the illusion.
Because ultimately it is an energy Ponzi which our planet can’t sustain, of course it is a bubble, and of course it will, and absolutely is bursting.
To see what is on the other side of that, I think it helps to consider the problem in terms of energy, the real source of all wealth and all creation in nature, from the sun, donated to us, by solid maths and physics.
No illusion there.
Money is finally aligning with the laws of nature, as it had to.
Bitcoin is in process of converting money from the old form to a new, much better form.
That isn’t the Bitcoin itself, but what each bitcoin represents, and the technology it represents, the key to monetising the energy of the sun; a piece of the transition from old to new, with a new capability for all, every individual to print their own fully guaranteed currency.
A portion of solar generation capacity.
A portion which can be divided into ever smaller pieces, and distributed equitably throughout humanity.
Of course too much energy assigned to any individual comes with it an incentive, to distribute, to donate.
That last part, we’ve yet to see, but it will come. We only need to know a little more about energy rather than money to see it, I would say.