Very true, thanks for posting.
You might notice many people will not identify with this, not even the platform, as your message helps no-one get what we all currently need to live - profit.
You mentioned at one point you are not advocating that we ditch the capitalist system, maybe because your definition of capitalism is not physical, as you say, money is not physical.
Yet it is, it is the mechanism that transports the physical Joules of energy needed by each of us, to maintain our consumption of around 150 Joules per second, 24/7, the energy powering our bodies and brains.
Tracing this out to all things, we see each of us depends for our personal critical energy supply, on taking it from the energy supplies of others, who have less power to maintain their own supplies, except at the "ground" level, where manual workers have to extract their energy from the Earth.
As long as the workers at the ground level have enough natural resources in the Earth, to satisfy the demands of the profit driven hierarchy, everyone in the hierarchy gets enough to live, with those in progressive layers shelling off more and more in profit, relative to those at the ground level. All are fooled into believing the system is fair, despite those at ground level actually benefiting from the smallest portion of the energy extracted, relative to what they extract and pass on to the layers above.
This is something we have to conclude we were designed to do, without really ever understanding it much, systemically.
We appear to have been designed to deliver luxury energy to a controlling minority.
This has to be something in our genetic programming, but it depended on us never hacking the program, never realising or caring, that it is physically unsustainable.
The system starts to fail, with the deaths of many, when physical resources are overcome by the ever growing demand of the profit driven masses depending on getting their energy from said resources.
Symptoms of human systemic overload are not only global climate change, but worse, wars between different groups of humans, who do not understand that such wars fix nothing, other than by momentary changes of loading due to culling of humans, the energy load of the activity of war just exacerbates the rate of resource exhaustion.
With the tools of modern formal systems Engineering, we are now equipped to do such hacking, by showing the whole systemic effects, compared with how other growth oriented systems in nature handle energy successfully.
In this, we have to formally define capitalism in physical terms of energy, in order to see how it has to be overcome.
In this, humanity would be conforming with nature, if it succeeds.
If humanity fails, it will be because we did not conform.
I write a lot about this, studying it now for around six years, seeing the problems coming since around 2017, whilst working on PhD candidate research, after more than twenty years working as a Systems Engineer.
The solution is solar energy, this is the magic ingredient which we have yet to unleash, not because we don't have enough of it, but because we do not issue money on it.
I show how this money, since 2005, is now amounting to hundreds of billions in UK alone, and for sure in every developed country.
Further, this physical energy is fully clean, storable, usable, and even tradeable 24/7 by way of hydrogen conversion, with no pollution at any point in any chain of use.
Further, it is capable of directly generating food (See "Solein").
Further that we are already significantly solar powered by way of domestic and community solar, to an extent which we can't realise, without issuing money directly representing those Joules put to use from solar, and this is without significant visible impact to real estate around us, therefore there is way more than enough remaining real estate to finish the job of becoming completely solar powered, removing our dependency from the resources of Earth, entirely.
All we need to do, to gain this new solar powered, post capitalism world, is to demand the funds representing the Joules of solar energy already put to use.
By this we will be moving to what we might define as Energyism, where money no longer represents capital, but Joules of live energy, which in the end is far more valuable than any capital.
Meantime, whilst we resist doing this, money is losing all value, by what it represents, in terms of the energy we all need, coming to represent nothing, whilst solar power continues to scale up relentlessly.
Hence we see inflation, which will not stop, until we do the only thing that can be done, honestly issue the free money needed, to unummerate the free energy put to use.
These are the end times, it seems to me. Our creators knew we would hit this point one day, and they knew the only way our species, and in fact all life on Earth could survive, is to learn how to start giving, really giving, rather than taking, always taking.
Taking, yielded temporary, targeted wealth for the minority, from energy pulled up from below.
Giving, yields blanketed, untargeted, unlimited wealth for all, from energy accepted from above.
Whether or not we come to understand this before critical damage occurs to our ability to complete the task of implementing the remaining solar infrastructure needed to become extracted energy independent, before nuclear war, or significant Geoengineering occurs, for example, is the real question.
I hope this helps complete the picture you are seeing, by realising the harmful effect of greed, and technical capitalism.
Money matters a lot, it is needed to transport physical energy to all, but it needs to move to directly represent that energy, rather than its old values of capital, which was always just stored energy, rather than actual live energy.
To get it, I suggest just demand it.
Demand what is owed.