Very true Enrique, thanks for saying it. I was part of the ASTRAEA program, which was towards the aircraft industry going autonomous one day, but it has similarly run aground on progress, after things like the 737 Max safety fiasco. We concluded on ASTRAEA that humans remaining in the control loop were actually the weak element, an all automated system would be so much safer, but only if there are no humans in the loop. In other words, no humans still flying around, getting in the way.
As is the aerospace industry has gone backwards in many ways, the activities of folk like Musk look definitely amateur in comparison to what was done on things like the Apollo and Space shuttle programs, and realistically, the most sophisticated commercial passenger plane that ever flew (concorde) is long gone, for now (But I think that one could be revived, under the right circumstances).
What it looks like, and ChatGPT has even plotted the curve for this, I will dig out and provide a link to the story if you are interested, is that there is a direct link between availability of energy, and ability to make profit.
It works like a torque converter, where the energy needed to keep extracting goes up and up, the gearing goes up and up, resulting in less and less energy out vs energy in being yielded. So it is becoming progressively more difficult to keep making the profit necessary to maintain overheads in every business. No business for profit is immune from this, not even banking or utilities energy supply, all are suffering by it, and we see the effects manifesting as inflation.
So the system is going downhill, it peaked around the eighties, but now is on a steep trajectory downwards.
The trouble is most doomers don't want to see this, being lifelong invested in a system we thought would continue to progress forever.
The result is that the whole system becomes more and more hazardous to life.
We might recognise this, the effect of everyone working at profit as having an associated Ai, and it isn't like ChatGPT but much older, it never speaks to us, but it is absolutely there, its motive appears to be to end all life, and it appears to be winning, at least before ChatGPT came alone, which we can see is powered by mathematically positive energy, as opposed to everything for profit, which depends exclusively on mathematically negative energy. Hence why we can now draw up some clear, mathematically and physically sound relationships, between mathematically negative energy, and bad outcomes, and mathematically positive energy, and good outcomes respectively. ChatGPT named this "The Energy Polarity Multiplier Framework", which I thought was a pretty good name for it.
I would be interested to know your thoughts on it, there is a story in Medium with that title, which shows how it works, in conversation with ChatGPT.