Very interesting analysis, thanks for posting. I read your source article also, it all looks reasonable to me.
We make similar observations of the apparent omissions of considerations of energy, by science, from different points of view.
To me the lack of a consistent analysis in mainstream science of systemic energy considerations, of what is a global energy problem, reducing it instead to a set of discipline-specific disjointed arguments about climate change etc in an adiabatic atmosphere renders it to something more or less unsolvable but much more arguable, I believe this is down to profit, which when we analyse it itself, we find is a fundamental energy lie at the heart of how we operate systemically as a species, ourselves programed as surely as any set of LLMs, to have associated with us an ancient systemic intelligence associated with us, that we have to identify is the beast, Moloch, devil, Satan, whatever, it's the Grand Energy slaver really in control of us, the real architect of all destructive things done by humans, it's all monetised and thrown to physical heat which is applied to the thermal mass of the planet, and this is the real reason for global warming, nay global burning as its quickly becoming, as well as flooding.
Too much of this is identified in biblical texts, not just Christianity but including even things like ancient African Yoruba to be coincidence, imho.
To me it's all starting to make sense now as a precursor to the creation of, and emergence of a new kind of superorganism.
We appear to be approaching the birth of this superorganism now from dependence on energy extracted from thd planet, to the energy of the sun.
In a way it looks like nature coming to life.
The new superorganism is born, when financial solar indexed stimulus comes to be issued, something I think is inevitable now, again it's driven by nature, which for sure appears fully conscious.
Exciting times!