Very good analysis and suggestions, thanks Mike.
There was something in your discussion that stood out to me as needing special consideration.
Personally I think taxes should be superseded.
The analysis of how wealth flow (flow of personal energy availability) changes, when the energy comes from above, received directly by the top tier from above, rather than from below, extracted from all the tiers below, shows why taxes are no longer necessary. The "top" tier of humanity, the minority with most access to solar collection facilities, and all the things that come with that, including fuel, and even food, and clean drinking water, all things of value, no longer need to depend on the lower tiers "beneath" them, to extract / extort their energy from the tiers below.
The flow of energy really in a donation based system, relative to the extraction system which was the old system, really does become from top down, instead of actually from bottom up, as it was with all energy by extraction, disguised by the flow of money, which, due to the mechanism of profit, transfers energy from the bottom up, in the old system.
What the new system does, is remove the need for those at the top to "crack the whip", to gee-up the controlled masses below, to deliver energy upwards to them.
Authoritarianism, enforced by taxes, is only possible, and even necessary to some extent, in an extraction system. But in the donation system necessarily and inevitably coming next, with the physical energy we all need for life actually, coming from above, no-one needs to demand payment from anyone with less ability to "Pay" for anything (the tier below, by definition).
The masses will be demanding payment from above very soon, it seems to me.
Considering everything in terms of live, flowing, top down energy, rather than in terms of upward flowing energy capital encapsulated in capital, helps see this, I think.
Hence why I call what we are moving to next as "Energyism", in contrast to capitalism, as it was technically.