Very cool! What you display here are skills that resemble some that are taught formally as part of formal Systems Engineering. Its all about abstracting and analogising things in a way to highlight and trace core issues to their effects in a bigger picture.
My own effort in this, as a long practicing systems Engineer seeing what looks like a global energy problem coming, around seven years ago, is a study of humanity interfaced with nature, similar to your analysis, but taking in all the relevant details of our economy, and our relationship with nature in terms of energy. You seem to maybe naturally have the tendency to think in terms of energy, whereas I would attribute mine to training and personal life experience working on many Engineering projects. I notice indigenous rooted folk (ie John Trudell, "I am crazy", youtube 2010), seem maybe more naturally inclined to think systemically and in terms of energy than maybe folk with more formally educated backgrounds and origins.
I think this might be due to commodification of education, which has a natural outcome of everyone being trained in specialisms, so as to maximise profits from education, until such times as muliti-disciplinary thinking is required, to sort out systems problems that arise from everyone being more or less blinkered to their / our own specialisms.
Anyhow, I think you painted part of an incredibly valuable picture, a part that I will probably integrate and refer to in my own work, assuming you don't mind.
Anyhow, where the analysis is at, is to conclude profit is something unnatural, and very damaging. It is the masked theft of energy from one another, which results in movement of energy, a little like the way swarming ants move it, from the peripheries where there is less availability of it, to the centre of the swarm, where they / we arguably already have too much, and this is what is resulting in a burning planet, because profit is a kind of energy bite taken from the planet, by putting a little in, and getting much more back out, whilst losing a lot to heat of extraction and refinement, everyone working with the planet has to work at profit to keep the main swarm constantly supplied with energy, and the effect of this is humanity acting as a scourge of energy, constantly thrown to heat.
We can even calculate the planetary heat rise resulting from the sum of all KWhrs as profit (Convert from money to energy at market rates of KWhrs), added to the known KWhrs lost as heat in refinement and extraction, this then applied to the thermal mass of the planet, we get changes of temperature in the same ballpark as those actually measured, independently of greenhouse gases, the latter being highly arguable, given the atmosphere is adiabatic.
The antidote to profit, which appears to be physically happening, is solar energy. This has had a growing effect since 2005, and is in process of decimating utilities energy business, but without relief of investors in the latter, they have to, and are going bankrupt, despite price gouging and government subsidies.
This explains loss of value in money, since the energy value in money is its actual physical value, quantifying what we can do with it, and only the planet responds to the profit bite of yielding more energy out for a little put in, money issued so far only monetises product created from energy extracted from the planet, never energy received for free from the sun, so as the availabilty of energy to extract continues to deplete, whilst the economic product physically created from solar continues to grow, the energy value in money has to tend towards zero.
No amount of fiddling with interest rates or other non source energy dependent factors can change this.
The only way to put the energy value back into money is to issue it for free, so as to represent the energy being recieved for free, in other words, the energy from the sun.
This is why I say solar indexed stimulus is needed, to relieve the problems we are seeing, including the ants at the periphery being progressively annihilated, as the scarcity of energy to extract continues to become ever more acute.
You might notice I use the analogy of us acting as a swarm of ants.
We do this as a result of profit, which is actually a kind of lie, its masked robbery of energy from one another, that needs to stop, and can only be stopped by issue of solar indexed stimulus.
We should recognise its a learned behaviour, first taught by human led traumatisation of the masses, to accept its ok to live by robbing one another, provided everyone gives the lions share of the takings to those in power. Since then we've refined it to call it profit, when more has to be given for less received.
But its actually an incredibly innefficient way of transporting energy from source to each cell, or each human, as we all need at least to metabolise, about 150W each, 24/7, for life.
It isn't the way nature does it, like in plants via nutrients, except maybe before the plant forms leaves. Until then the plant has to do work to extract nutrients from the Earth, to grow to the point it forms leaves, and this can be in darkness.
But after the plant forms leaves, energy flows to every cell in the plant from sun, where nutrients are issued in the leaves, to all cells in the plant, and on to Earth, this exhaust being the energy we all live on, extracted from the planet.
So you might say we currently live on plant excrement.
There is obviously much more to this than I can scratch the surface of in a response like this, but I hope you see how I agree with and really value your way of thinking, thanks for posting.
I wish more folk thought like this. Maybe this is the lesson that needs to be learned, that everyone needs to start thinking like this, to fix the obvious problems.