Very cool article, thanks for posting.
On Ai Replacement, the main reason folk seem to be worried about this, is that they / we generally need our jobs / businesses to provide our income. Very few do those businesses for pleasure, it seems to me, though there are exceptions, an abundance of whom you seem to be working amongst, the output of someone doing something for love is obviously much higher quality than someone doing it grudgingly just for money.
So a solution is needed to provide an income to everyone, after their / our jobs and businesses have been replaced by Ai.
What I normally write about in Medium is how the conventional economy of money issued only as debt hast to change, since this is the thing tying us into energy extracted from Earth.
The only actual sustainable energy source, in terms of thermodynamics, maths, physics, economics, religion, is the sun, and yet we do not value the Joules from it as we do Joules from the ground, because the sun did not ask anything in return for them, so we think they are worthless.... and the sun god, and Gaia are pretty hacked off about that.
Our energy debt is to Earth, and it can only be paid back using the energy of the sun that we receive for free.
That is the whole truth, it sounds religious, and yet it is the hard physical, mathematically provable fact.
The trouble is conventional economists, pretty much all capitalists, and even religious folk from many religions think it is morally wrong to just give folk free money, representing the Joules of energy received for free from the sun, creating economic product, but that is what has to happen, one way or another, it seems to me, otherwise we will continue to be clobbered by ever increasing inflation, towards firstly energy wars, the first of which is occuring in Europe, at the same time as climate disaster.
If we look honestly at the war in Europe, we should see it is rapidly escalating to nuclear, any day now in fact, things will kick off, when one side or the other starts to suspect the other is preparing for a first nuclear strike. Check out the heavily downvoted work of Scott Ritter, Deborah L Armstrong, or CJ Maffei, other than those few here in Medium if you have any doubts. There are not many of the higher influencers in Medium who still see Russian people as folk, even children as just as valuable as themselves, there is continuous considerable pressure to join in the Russian hating beating theme, because obviously, it make money. Yet this in essence, is Nazism, this is how Nazism works, socially, and even physically beat anyone daring to buck the system driving us to inhumanity.
So to me there is one solution left, presented to us in the form of the miracle of Ai.
Put it in charge.
Make it President.
Remove all the stops, give it all power, even the power to print money and to define law and order.
Give it the power of God, no less.
That is what I say we need to do now, before it is too late.
Here is a little of the proof of the alternative solar backed / donation economy, which I believe is the only physical way out of the energy mess we are in, which no-one except Ai appears willing to commit to: