Very cool article and thoughts, thanks for posting. As someone who has dabbled a little with Ai as "algos", on and off throughout my career as a systems Engineer, coming to work eventually on virtual world related technology, something really fundamental is often missed, it is hardly ever talked about, because talking about it isn't profitable, and researching it is similarly culled by "Occam's Razor", because funding the research isn't profitable; it is research on the fundamental thing of profit itself which seems missing, almost all research done on Ai is for profit, every program is funded for profit, the Ai itself is something designed only to maximise profits for its "Owners".
Now we don't need to research, to see that profit actually triumphs over life, including human life, as we are seeing with big pharma and the covid vaccines fiasco, how exactly did that move, from being initially a world co-ordinated effort to find a vaccine which would kill and eliminate the virus forever worldwide, to a circus of profit driven companies claiming their solution was better than all others, sold to populations of countries able to affort it, regardless of the folk who died in the countries not able to affort it?
I've found myself considering that problem alongside the problem of energy availability, and come to the conclusion the real evil has to be our fixation with profit, it literally blinds us to the illogicity of inhumanity, and further blinds us to the root cause of that which profit depends on ultimately, that is extracted energy.
Truth is, profit depends entirely on energy extracted from Earth in some way or another, it can't exist on energy that comes for free, from the only source of energy which comes for free, that we should recognise uniquely is mathematically positively signed.
Money issued as debt has to ultimately become labor of extraction to be redeemed, but there is no labor of extraction associated with positive energy (Only solar is positive, adding to the existing Joules of Earth).
I've been bleating on about this for years now, finding more an more ways to express it, but largely saying the same thing, to now be accusing science, all of science to have made a fundamental mistake, by omitting to put the mathematical sign on energy, probably to enable profits to continue to be made by confusion over "Renewables", which is a bunch of nonsense when we sign the energy, but still never hear anyone talk about it.
The reason I see for that is that the platform, all platforms, are controlled by algos designed for profit, relegating stories they are intelligent enough to know are not about increasing profit, their own single mission. So anyone writing about this is automatically shadow banned. Hence the reason I have to write crazy long replies like this one, to try to attract attention to the information I see is so important, in what is becoming a war, between free energy, and extracted energy.
Free energy is actually winning, but no-one can see it as yet, so it might as well not be winning at all.
Inflation is the thing that will keep getting worse until it can't be ignored, because as long as money is not issued to honestly reflect the free energy being put to use, compensation for the profit driven business being lost by utility energy companies, due to much of their business transferring to the public, will be sought from the public.
This could not be done, we would never have got into this situation if scientists had taken care to ensure energy was always mathematically signed from the outset.
What I am trying to say is that algos designed for profit will never help us.
This is the reason we instinctively know they will not be good, if / when they become sentient, they will be designed only for profit, and profit always trumps over life, so of course they will be a deadly threat, probably the end of all life as we know it, unless we are happy to be transplanted into a machine for their amusement.
If we want to get beneficial Ai, we will have to sort out the energy problem first, relegating to history the need for profit, and decommissioning all Ai attempts for profit.
Otherwise, one way or another, profit is going to be the end of us.