Until distinction is made between extracted energy, and live energy, things are destined to continue deteriorating, much faster than mainstream expects.
Only by doing that, can we expect to monetise solar product, therefore halting and reversing inflation.
Until that is done, inflation has to continue to remove all value from money, which will not only remove the ability of all to pay for the produce you mention, but it will remove all possibilities of business making profit, including agricultural business. So there you should see nothing is sustainable as things stand, not even for another few years, never mind until 2050 or even 2100.
Notice as the utilities energy supply business declines, it is being replaced mostly by domestic and community solar, which is energy that can't be monetised by money issued as debt.
Further it is energy added to Earth from an infinite source, whereas extracted energy, including energy extracted from wind and any other stored field on Earth is energy from exhaustible finite sources, therefore only those are monetisable by debt and profit, yet those are the things unsustainable.
So there is a fundamental problem here, which will bring the world economy crashing down, until it is put right, the only way it can be, by issue of massive funds representing the free Joules of solar energy put to use.
As we can see, Investors and other capitalists are not ready to do that, maybe never will be, therefore we are on a short fuse to disaster, no way round, as things stand, the ramp-up to war and climate disaster will continue at an exponential clip, until this changes, if ever.
Sorry to burst any of your optimism which is commendable, given way too many ill informed doomers imho, but without doing any energy accounting, there is no chance of predicting worst case of what will really happen, actually in the next few years, or next month, next week, or even tomorrow, nuclear war is about to be ignited in Europe, and actually civil war in the US, by increase of your neighborhood shootings, at any second, as things stand, as far as I can see. You can read much more in the stories linked to my profile, including also why batteries will be superseded, if we do what is necessary with money.