Member-only story

Unfashionable thoughts indeed


Frederick Bott


As outlined earlier, I have lost my member status in Medium. Hopefully only temporarily, time will tell.

Meantime, I feel a need to respond to one of the last member stories I read, but can not directly respond to as a non-member.

Ahh Medium, if you thought I was a whinger before…

So here I will respond in the only way left open to me for now, by writing another story of my own, referencing the one I am commenting on, written by someone I do respect, Allan Milne Lees even though I often don’t agree with his point of view:

“Unfashionable Thoughts” by Allan Milne Lees

We are all of us faced with a choice:

Do what we can, to save the lives of those in immediate danger, regardless of the economic consequences, or to relax that effort, in the interests of allowing the economy to recover.

Allan appears to me to be taking somewhat the devil’s advocate position by outlining mostly the view of those who would opt for the latter, i.e. let’s save the economy, rather than the lives.

Firstly, I do not agree that doctors in general are wasting money by attempting to prolong folks’ lives at every opportunity. Not many of those dying, even those in agony, will agree they would rather just die, than live to fight another few minutes, hours, days, weeks, months, years.



Frederick Bott
Frederick Bott

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