Umm doesn't it occur that attempting to define woke, identifies with it, therefore is identity politics? My problem with woke is that most folk seeming to identify with it think that they are seeing reality when actually the opposite is true. The profit driven system, and the energy con underneath it, is unseen by all practicing identity politics, as well as the fact they themselves are practicing identity politics.
Identity politics itself looks like a distraction from the real issue, the system of profit that ties us into destroying the planet, causing the walls of the environment to close in on us, forcing the apparent insanity we are seeing in everyone who can't see it, especially those claiming they are woke, imho.
To me the same folk are who are most influenceable by the system. The systems identifies the most highly influencable, by various means, including who carries flags for, and who publicly champions their chosen
Identity politic. This is all for the commodification of all human variations. The system does it to progressively grind us down to classifications that can be pigeonholed according to which particular sales pitches appeal to us, therefore which products can be sold to us, always for profit. Each new category is a whole new market.
The consequence is that the most influenceable have the least capability to see and systemically analyse the system itself.
This is the opposite of how anyone needs to think in order to think systemically, it seems to me.
I haven't seen the barbie film, but would prefer not to see it, as to me it looks like something serving the purpose of the system, by influencing those responding positively to identity politics, without them even realising it, this film will add hordes to the already large numbers of folk completely hypnotised by the system.
I guess you might be inclined to label me as incel or whatever, for not wishing to see it, but if I responded to that, it would no longer be my will driving me, but yours, which I would say has been influenced by the system.
But thanks for giving us your take on it.
My daughter and her mum went to see it together but I am happy to say my daughter appears immune to the wokery, describing it from that point of view. I trust her judgement. Kids of gen Z seem much more switched on to the poorer side of the system, seeing through its sales pitch, I am glad to say.
They don't want the apparent smiling, profit driven, debt ridden, planet destroying dystopia of folk waving spectrum flags competing with one another to be most "Ace", brainwashed to believe being single, asexual, and biologically childless for life with body scarred and hair dyed luminous is really a happy existence.