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Twisted Web?


Frederick Bott
3 min readAug 23, 2022


I am not normally one for conspiracy theories.

But it’s OK to ask questions, isn’t it?

A certain Mr Trump seems to have been tarred with the conspiracy theory brush in such a way as to almost prevent folk even discussing or asking questions on factual things he is associated with.

Firstly some facts:

  • Trump is the only president to have issued stimulus equivalent to a generous income for every person in the US, $4Tn per month. When that money was issued, some surprising things happened. Oil went negatively priced (The only commodity to do so, ever), the environment made the only spike of recovery seen ever, shares in technically bankrupt companies still offering much loved products soared, the dollar itself went up in value, whilst gold and Bitcoin prices languished.
  • Trump, a man always careful to boast his “Achievements”, was the first president ever to preside over an actual spike of environmental recovery, yet he says nothing about it.
  • Trump’s Uncle John Trump, a revered electrical Engineer, was a primary reviewer of the Nikola Tesla papers siezed by the US government just after Tesla’s death, in 1943.
  • Tesla was effectively defunded by his sole funder, JP Morgan, after it became clear Tesla was planning to offer free electricity to all people as an outcome of his Wardenclyffe Tower development.
  • Mr Trump is now trying to influence who gets to read the contents of “Top Secret” documents taken from his Mansion home in the latest round of warrants for documents seizure.

A question which occurs to me, it turns out was already asked, in the community of those most interested to know more about UAPs.

My question is driven not by my curiosity of UAPs, but by what appears to me to be a resistance to the simple logic of Kardashev Engineering, by which we can absolutely and very quickly fix the current global energy problems, with all of its symptoms including the cost of living concerns, that everyone is wringing their hands about.

A year or two, is all we will need to make this fix, when we finally decide to make it. But better, we would see instant relief in the form of a very robust UBI, fit for kings and queens, no less.

Similar resistance to Tesla’s free power scheme seems to have existed, in the days of his Wardenclyffe development. Otherwise, why was it discontinued?

But now those who might wish we will never have free power do not have the luxury of choice, in whether we should have it or not.

Now, having reached the end of safe practical extraction of energy, nature is forcing our hand.

She is now saying in effect, it is free energy or nothing for us.

She supplies it to us for free in the form of the energy of the sun, so it has to be distributed for free, otherwise we burn.

Meantime our money will devalue to nothing, until we comply. Hence we see inflation, which we should know is unstoppable by any other means.

I’ve shown how we can see how all this works, as a Systems Engineering discipline which I’ve called Kardashev Engineering, for want of a better term.

But still there seems huge resistance to this information, which potentially could save an awful lot of pain, for an awful lot of people, including even those currently considered as awful “Rich”.

This looks like the same kind of resistance as appears to exist against some of the facts around Trump.

So now I too am wondering, along with the UAP enthusiast community, if there might not indeed be some documents inherited from Trump’s Uncle John, featuring one or two of the works of one Nikola Tesla amongst those documents.

Maybe we’ll soon know.



Frederick Bott
Frederick Bott

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