Frederick Bott
2 min readJul 15, 2022


Try calculating the Joules of energy received from the sun which have been put to use by us since starting to use solar energy.

Convert that to typical energy prices in markets, and you have an amount of money which is owed to people, all people.

Give it to people, all people, and tell them where it came from, and they will do everything in their power to install more, around our homes, businesses, and communities, every platform, every institution, and all communities, including local microgrids and hydrogen backup facilities which will ultimately generate a net excess of hydrogen, which then will power all transport, whilst cleaning the air, burning clean hydrogen, which generates no pollution, even provides water supply to places with water supply problems.

If you doubt that could happen, consider that Vietnam offered an incentive of a guaranteed rate of purchase, of solar power produced by any community, aiming for a target of 850MW of solar to be implemented by communities taking up the offer, which was met only a year or so later with 16.5GW installed by communities all over Vietnam, whilst the Vietnamese grid can only handle 2GW, so the communities were disappointed to learn the government physically could not honor their promise.

That problem would be quickly solved with modular hydrogen generation (See "Enapter" for example).

This is something we already have advanced modeling tools for, known by technical modeling communities and professionals including yours truly.

Of course the money printing establishments and big grid business want to retain control of the monopoly of power supply, but they have already lost it, now until they issue the money owed for actual sola product used, their money will continue to devalue, hence the technical reason inflation will not stop, not in any country refusing to honor the Austrian Economic ideal of all money being balanced by actual product, so everyone, including the rich, will continue to see everything they thought they had of value, sliding to zero.

I don't see any of this as disputable, it is a result of a number of years now of my own research using the tools and techniques of formal systems Engineering, backed up by an Engineering instinct honed over thirty years, including patents in power systems, hardware design, systems design, to Chartered Engineer and PhD level

You are welcome to try and challenge it, and maybe it will look to third parties that you have, but it won't make any difference, the money will continue to slide in value, and people will continue to slide into homelessness, poverty, and death by the millions, not to mention also war, until this information is acknowledged, and acted on.



Frederick Bott
Frederick Bott

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