True, and incredibly important, thanks for posting. I think the popularity of your story, and others like it, will be an indicator not so much how seriously the readers, who are probably already well aware of the issue, but will applaud anyway since we already all agree, but more, how seriously the media platforms themselves, are taking the issue.
When your story goes viral, we will know that the platform is finally getting the message.
Formal Systems Engineering analysis and design techniques actually show us why we should not expect any profit driven company to ever put humans first, for any longer than it is absolutely forced to.
The number one stakeholders in all such systems (organisations) are a relatively few individuals, not humanity.
The only companies which might be dependable to put humans first longer term are those with all shareholders having “Skin in the game” themselves, i. e. wholly employee owned organisations, or in the case of public platforms, wholly user owned.
A minimum structural fix is needed, to ensure all companies, platforms and otherwise, are made trustworthy. They must be converted to this, under threat of being otherwise broken up, as many businesses are, by the crisis itself whilst that is in effect.
Otherwise, we can expect more of the same old, same old, in the future, after the human virus has passed.
A constructive way of thinking about this, is to consider that there are two viruses at play, one affecting individuals, and one affecting business, both working together to assist one another, as viruses are known to do.
Business meant for humanity, rather than individuals, needs to be designed as such.
To get rid of the virus in business, it needs to be redesigned, with the number one stakeholder as humanity, in every case.
After all, what is a business, if it is not for humanity.
It has to be done to all businesses, otherwise the virus will simply spread back throughout all again in the future.
The process of conversion can be thought of as a kind of vaccination for business. Those businesses which could not survive the vaccination should not be allowed to continue, as they will only infect others again.