Trouble is, the way the algos handle stories, after it has "got a feel" for our stories, it will downgrade them to the social groups who agree with you, which is far from the majority. So you are preaching to the converted here. The algos are designed to make profit for the platform, nothing more. The profit monster is the real bad Ai, the thing that needs to be killed off.
I think you've read how to do it, using solar energy, but I have no idea how that will be introduced in Sri Lanka now your leaders have signed up to do the opposite.
I've said elsewhere your country could be rescued by donation with nothing asked in return by another country that might go for the solar hydrogen solution.
But nobody is reading it, other than those in my bubbles, who are pretty much all converted already.
So this profit thing looks like it is winning for now.
But, in the end it depends on energy extracted from Earth which is physically unsustainable. So sooner or later it will fall, it is literally suicidal, assuring its own destruction in any case. The question is will we let it self destruct, taking us all with it in a nuclear war?