Too true. The same goes for UK, and probably many other countries, even China.
If we see apparent opposite sides "Battling it out" at the top of our political hierarchies, publicised in media, then we think we see some kind of balance. It could be between different people, different tribes, or even different countries, we think there is some kind of balance, but at the top, all parties have an unspoken agreement, to publicly disagree, to protect the heirarchy so as to keep everyone on point, hooked to the TV, watching our parliamentary and congressional shows, and our mainstream media. But there isn't any balance, the greedy are in control, at the top.
As long as we are driven by profit, this situation of destruction of everything created by nature will remain, together with the wars needed by the apparently opposing tribes in power, to cull humanity back down to the next levels temporarily survivable on the remaining dwindling capital resources on our planet, whilst our pollution output keeps rising to something which is becoming progressively more toxic to all life.
There is only one way we can change this to something survivable.
We need to break our death-grip on energy extracted from all things created by nature except the only actual source of energy, the sun.
The problem to me looks like we have never learned how to accept, rather than take.
Energy from things created by nature other than the sun do not release it easily, we have to put Joules of effort in, for every Joule extracted, preferably we get more out than what we put in, hence our concept of profit. But profit takes no account of the millions of years of Joules of energy it took nature to create whatever is being destroyed by the extraction, nor what the waste product becomes; pollution.
So in our minds we have become accustumed to expecting profit from all effort, and we expect to be given nothing of value without first having to expend effort.
So all monetised human activity to date is effort, for return.
But monetising the energy of the sun gives us endless return, for no effort, after implementation of the required infrastructure to receive it.
So none of that product created by solar energy is monetised in our current system of all things capital, all things for profit in the old zero-sum closed box.
However, it is just as valuable and physical, in fact more so. Money created by it has already been seen as the most powerful in markets, the food created by it as nutritional as any conventionally grown, and the hydrogen from it even more versatile than fossil fuels, all with no pollution, only beneficial by-products.
When we formally recognise this by aligning fiat currencies with it, those currencies will have to be coninuously issued for free, to reflect that at the input is energy donated for free.
That, as we saw happen previously has the effect of devaluing all capital.
In other words, those currently enjoying exclusive wealth by "Owning" capital, will no longer be privileged, their capital will devalue just like all others.
But who needs capital, with endless free money?
This has been known now for over 120 years, since Nikola Tesla pursued free energy from solar, funded unwittingly by the capitalist king JP Morgan, until the latter realised the full implications.
Of course this will have been discussed at the highest levels ever since, and kept strictly to within those circles, those in power, pretending to be publicly disagreeing, so that we all think there is some kind of balance, watching the rubbish we are fed on TV and other mainstream media.
But now we are Engineering actual applied solutions, it is becoming harder and harder for them to avoid this conversation.
It makes conventional politics, and a whole stack of other bullshit business irrelevent, I think.
The worst thing we could do is get distracted from this truth, which potentially aligns the interests of all people in a way that there will be far fewer arguments, and certainly no more wars in the future.
Trouble is, right now it looks like the only way it is going to happen is in response to maybe tens or even hundreds of millions of people demanding free money from those in power, because there is no other way we can survive as a species, and thoss in power would rather see everyone armed to the teeth, enacting the "Hunger games" they see on TV, carrying out the human cull that everyone thinks is necessary, to survive on the next layer down in perceived increasing scarcity.
But that would be the worst thing that could happen, as all hands are needed now, to do the work of fixing the planet, voluntarily, in return for the free money received.
We should be confident most people would be motivated to do this, as we saw previously in free-money markets, oil went negatively priced, amongst a few other surprising beneficial results.
So we maybe can see what needs to be turned around, fundamentally, in our minds.
We should not be afraid to demand the free money when we need it, and they should not be afraid to issue it.
Giving, needs to come before effort, to align with solar power, the only actual source of energy, and we should put behind us the ideas of profit, and witholding, until effort is expended.
I know this sounds like a tall order, but it is the only way, it seems to me.