Too true, thanks for posting. It might help to know that the universe appears to have its own infallible lie detector. We should have deduced this at least from the experimentally tested result below:
What this says, more or less, is that entropy and thus temperature is increased by lies, which is destruction of information, and is decreased by truth, which is creation, or defiinition of information.
Since we live in a world of Enshittopia, the temperature rise resulting from everyone lying, not only to everyone else, but to ourselves, virtue signalling as part of a constant sales pitch / politically correct speaking and thinking, of course the temperature has been relentlessly rising, and all the lies are just so we can retain the capability of getting the personal energy we need, by always making energy profit for ourselves.
So in a way, if we can see it, hear it, listen to it, the universe is screaming at us, "Liars, liars, planet's on fire!"
Isn't it weird that religions, even long lost and/or suppressed indigenous religions, seem to have known more about this than science?
I said some more in response to Linus' thoughtful response also.