Frederick Bott
5 min readJul 21, 2022


Too true, thanks for posting.

Something which changes everything, that I've been trying to help folk understand, is the concept of "Kardashev Money".

This explains the reason why the dollar went up, not down, when 4Tn per month stimulus was issued in US, when also we saw oil prices go negative, the only time and the only commodity to do so in history so far.

Obviously that would be an ideal result to have again, especially as now we are seeing inflation take the majority of people to imminent bankruptcy and homelessness.

In truth, when tens of millions in every country go to the street to demand stimulus, in the absence of anything else to keep putting food on our tables and roofs over our heads, money issuers will have to give it.

The IMF will probably try to do it as a loan, like they are doing with Sri Lanka, and like they did with Greece and other "Defaulters" previously.

But in truth, it no longer has to be a loan.

Now we are putting tens of GigaJoules per second into human use in every reasonably developed country, and it is scaling upwards, as it has to, given that solar is the only actual source of energy.

Those Joule from the sun are pushed to us for free requireing no extraction effort, and converts readily to fuel, and even to food (See "Solein"), with no pollution, therefore is incredibly valuable physical product.

So there we see a product being added to our economic use, which adds to the existing economic capital, therefore diluting what we historically consider to be the base of capital.

That base is no longer constant.

With solar even only contributing 10% of our energy needs, still that ten percent makes a huge difference to the base capital, and it is accumulative, adding Joules every day.

By Austrian Economics, money should be being issued to reflect that valuable product, being added to our economy.

The consequence of not issuing money on it, is devaluation of money. Because it is not money itself which has value, it is the product.

Markets know this very well, so the impact of not reflecting something of significant value is devaluation of money, which we are seeing as inflation.

That is a solid, easily verifyable reason for the inflation we are seeing.

But the kicker for money issuers, who are also mostly the holders of capital, is that to accurately and honestly reflect the value of Joules coming in from the sun, the money reflecting it has to be issued for free to all people, since the solar energy is donated, no extraction needed.

When they do that, they will devalue all capital, as we saw also previously when the 4Tn per month was issued, gold, and even bitcoin languished, because with ubiquitous free money, no one needed to have capital.

The money issuers almost lost control, by losing the value in capital, so the free money stopped.

And now we are seeing inflation.

In effect, the money issuers are currently walking a tightrope, between issuing money, but not enough to affect the value of capital, but still enough to retain the value of currencies.

But all the while, solar product is scaling up.

Sooner or later, the tightrope has to give way, and the secret of how to regain the value of currencies will become apparent; issue free money, an awful lot of free money.

Of course folk will use some of the free money they receive to put as much local solar infrastructure in place as they can, so as to maximise the potential Kardashev money stipend which has to be issued, to all people.

Everyone still in the mindset of using of capital to retain control has a problem understanding, or admitting how this works, so they will deny the inevitability of it, but this is nature now calling the shots, humanity has no choice but to go with it.

When done, effectively we will no longer be practicing capitalism, we will be practicing what we might call energyism, with most sensibly an energy standard in terms of Joules solar energy per token, instead of the old gold standard.

That will be the end of all pollution, within only a few years, 100% solar infrastructure would only take a couple of years, with all people dedicated and motivated towards that task.

It is true when they said controversially "You will own nothing".

But neither will they.

I find it useful to explain what this means for humanity by comparing to a tree shoot.

The shoot draws all of its energy upwards from Earth until the point it forms leaves.

In that time the energy flow through the shoot is in the opposite direction of the energy of the sun to Earth.

After the leaves form, the energy flow through the shoot has to change direction, from negative to positive, and stays like that for the remainder of the life of the shoot, growing to adulthood, conducting energy to earth for sometimes hundreds of years.

The energy use of humanity until now has been mostly negative.

But now we are sprouting the human equivalent of leaves in the form of solar farms all over Earth, our energy flow is in the process of changing direction, from negative to posiitive.

That process will be formally confirmed with the issue of Kardashev money, when everything we do changes from negative, to positive.

I really look forward to the day when maybe more folk will be talking about this.

Knowledge of it dates back to when Nikola Tesla was defunded by his only funder, JP Morgan, when Tesla revealed it was his intention to deliver free power from solar energy to all people, and that this would mean free money for all people.

Back then, nature was not yet fully on the side of Tesla, and he was only one person, seeing what he saw.

But now billions of us are starting to see what he saw, and nature really is forcing our hand.

The only question now is how much more harm the money issuers and holders of capital can tolerate being held responsible for, before they give in to the inevitable force of nature.

A warning: Be prepared to be demoted in every profit driven platform, for talking about this.

But billions of us talking about it can't be demoted.



Frederick Bott
Frederick Bott

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