Frederick Bott
2 min readOct 2, 2021


Too true Ronit, in the current economic framework, which affects the way we think, more than we think, thanks for posting.

Because everything is for profit, everything has a cost, therefore we can only perceive fuel as valid for propulsion, or for powering anything, including humanity.

But there has arrived now a need to reform the economic system, as a consequence of always fuelling, we are running out of fuel, of all kinds.

In fact, fuels are various forms of stored energy on Earth, as are even all “Renewables”, all of which came from the sun, which is limitless.

The consequence is that we are running down the energy of Earth as surely as any battery, the signs we see of that are depletion of the various life supporting functions of Earth, and will keep doing so until either we self-expire as a direct result, or reform by plugging into the sun.

In turn, the future of space travel, and human life expectancy will change profoundly after that (If there is an after), because we will have discarded the ideas of profit, cost no longer needs to be a consideration.

That opens up an infinity of possibilities.

With the problem of limited Earth energy and resources solved, the next limiting factor is our lifespan, which has to be significantly increased, to remove the constraints of time, which normally limit what we think is possible.

Remember with financial cost already removed, there is no limit to the amount of funds available for all causes. Immortality is obviously quite high on our list of priorities, as well as space travel.

I could go on, but hopefully you already get the picture.

It might seem like this is all way in the future, beyond our lifetimes, but actually it is already happening, we can see it now if we know what to look for.

Money will be free for all people, as a result of it becoming aligned with the energy of the sun, which is unlimited.

Most of us struggle to imagine a world no longer constrained by finanancial, or energy cost.

More details can be found by searching out “ Bitcoin Kardashev Hinge”, and “Grand Energy Ponzi”, if you are interested.



Frederick Bott
Frederick Bott

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