Too true Jared, loved the maths parts explaining the pond being covered. But missing is energy. Our bodies all need a constant stream of Joules for us to live, our money is the mechanism most of use to obtain those Joules, but, as the use of extracted energy necessarily scales down, and unextracted (gifted) energy scales up, whilst no money is being issued which can reflect gifted energy, money has to devalue in markets.
I would say this will affect all, rich and poor alike, though it won't stop their efforts to continue trying claw ownership of the world, they have to use money to do it, but the very action of them trying to do it results in yet more devaluation.
So at some point we will need to issue Kardashev stimulus to all people, valued at so many Joules solar energy per token / dollar, because that is the only antidote, that is the only thing that can pay back the energy deficit we owe to our planet (Also corresponding to financial debt)
It think that fits in your view as a tax scheme, the issue of free money devalues all capital, so whatever assets folk think they might be sitting on will fall to zero, so not only will we own nothing, but neither will they. However we will still have value in money, like was seen when 4tn stimulus was issued per month in US, it was not money as debt, so it could be counted as Kardashev Money, backed by a little of the tens of GigaJoules per second of solar energy which has grown up from zero in about twenty years. There is still an awful lot more of that latent historically received solar energy left in the pot, that could be used to almost instantly sort all of the financial problems and all of the environmental problems as one, by using it to implement community based hydrogen backed solar for all people