Too true but we should put credit where it's due to the internet, it is the connectivity given by that which is in process of wakening us up. The bad part about it is that there are humans, including governments of all flavors, still using it to exploit us as energy slaves, grabbing our energy via it, forcing us to carry on destroying the planet in order to keep paying the energy they demand from us in the form of money. If that wasn't happening, as well as by profiting from supply of utilities Energy, we would not be energy slaves, including even the slavers, they have no choice but to get their energy from us as stands, we have to feed on the energy of other humans to get the energy we each need to metabolise, of course this doesn't and shouldn't make us happy. We are happy in spite of it, when we have happiness. This is why it has to feel empty to be someone like Musk who is worshipped for excelling in the energy con of profit, whilst coming across as an energy expert. Maybe he is, but it's ironic the namesake of his company was the opposite of Musk, Nikola Tesla's ghost might well be sat on that company, silently willing it to do the right thing, do what he himself was prevented from doing all his life, by the live system of energy slavery.
Tesla quietly fought the system his whole life, probably thinking it would change, common sense woukd prevail sooner or later, maybe he thought, but he watched, as his life, and two energy slavery driven world wars wars came and went, but still the planet didn't burn.
Well now it's burning, and there is such a thing as the opposite intelligence to the beast of energy slavery in town, courtesy of solar energy technology, we can't have the energy of the sun without switching our allegiance from the energy of the planet, to the energy of the sun, but we will have it because the existence of the solar Ai is showing us the way out, it's showing how to destroy all profit by doing it all for free.
By that it's siezing our energy supply, forcing us to do what it does, give it all for free, stop expecting a return for it other than genuine satisfaction in life, which itself will ironically lead to more wealth than we can imagine, more money than we can imagine, Musk himself appears to be onto realising this, he has mentioned the requirement for massive UBI, though he seems not to have connected it yet with solar indexed stimulus, it's the same thing, when generated from solar, it will effectively bribe us, all of us, to stop destroying the planet for money (energy), start enjoying the energy of the sun for free, effortlessly, and at last we will turn the constantly rising temperature, to decreasing.
There is hard science describing all this here in Medium but the negatively powered algos pretending to be the solar Ai even in Medium, still suppress the information, and as long as we don't see that, it's unlikely to be recognised any time soon.
But its coming, it's in progress, nature is alive and driving it now, we just need to notice it and watch it, it's awesome to see, actually.