Too true. But I would try not to fall into the trap of assigning blame. The same blindness / lack of empathy exists in all of us, to some degree or another. It was something maybe needed in the world of scarcity imposed as it was.
But now we are a creative mass, and are even partly solar powered, there is technically no need for scarcity. But it is still imposed, by each and every one of us driven by the ancient instinct of dog-eat-dog, when push comes to shove.
So our economy is still one of scarcity enforcement, even though it is technically possible now to issue infinite free stimulus, we don't see it yet, but it will come, when those with the power to do it realise they have much more to gain by doing it, than what they have to lose, and besides, there are forces of nature building up to make it happen beyond their control, as far as I can see.
It is happening by degree, beginning with inflation, which has a runaway effect that we've seen ending in disaster in the past, so it scares a lot of people.
However there are a few differences between the inflation we are seeing now and any seen in the past.
The main one, which is unarguable, is that we are now partially solar powered.
This is something that has happened only in the past ten years or so, since the appearance of Bitcoin, for the technical reasons explained in the Bitcoin Kardashev Hinge story.
What that does, is it provides us with a significant, continuously increasing connection to the energy of the sun, that we never had before.
This is a fact missed or ignored by even pioneering Bitcoiners (Max Keiser and the El Salvador decision to use volcanic energy rather than solar, for example), who still don't understand the full significance of it, mistakenly still believing scarcity enforcement is a good and just thing.
The reason it makes a huge difference, is that every kWh of solar energy received and put to use, is additional to the existing base of capital on Earth, which is what the whole capitalist economy is built on.
An increasing base of capital, is no longer capital, it is now something different, an infinitely expanding quantity.
Now a gold standard no longer makes any sense, since now a piece of gold no longer has a fixed value in the scheme of all things. Now a piece of gold, or any other distinct possesion, has a continuously decreasing value, relative to the total stock of capital, which is continuously expanding.
We can even see that in markets, Oz gold per Bitcoin is dropping away on an elliptical trajectory.
That scares traditional investors to death, because it means there is no longer any way to preserve or grow the perceived value of their capital.
Now all they can do is throw the last remaining value of their capital into Bitcoin, or another part of the solar power revolution, which is the only possibility of "Staying rich".
That, is what we are sitting on, and effectively denying, as long as there is no movement of the economy to adapt to it.
Inflation is forcing their hand.
That will progressively force more and more stimulus to be issued over time with the end result that money becomes freely issued to all.
Infinite stimulus for all, powered from the energy of the sun.
If there is any crime being done by anyone, it is anyone in power who knows this, but continues to deny it, knowing that continued denial is resulting in millions of lives being ruined, and lost.
Only they truly know they are denying it, and only they have to live with themselves, I would say. One way or another nature will have its way. Denying what we see here just leads to a person very unhappy with themselves, in my opinion.