Tomer it is good to know we are somewhat aligned.
Neither of us knows everything, but we should each be willing to learn, and be happy to credit the sources of our learning, even when that might be from one another.
What I know about ASICs and GPUs is from learning about them in formal degree engineering in the nineties and applying them in ongoing Systems Engineering work since, which regularly employs GPUs in desktop modelling and simulation tools, applied to model based design of systems, sometimes including and generating ASIC designs.
I assume these techniques are also known and employed by NVIDIA, and much more, I can’t see why they would not also use them for gaming application if there became a market for that, or why they would not pursue supplying ASICs to customers previously demanding only GPUs, regardless of what they are using them for.
I am not precious about the article I linked to you, no story is perfect, it is only one of about 200 I’ve written in Medium on the same subject.
I write about very little else in Medium.
If I was to refer to the one I would call the latest reference, my feature story, it would be the Kardashev Hinge, written referencing, and using an output of a world system design, produced using some of the tools of my trade. The device I am using now, an old ipad hates posting links, but you can search for and find the story in Medium if interested.
My time is still dominated by the need to pursue profit driven work for clients, so I avoid contacts outside that domain, otherwise I would take you up on your offer of a call, but thanks for that offer, maybe sometime in the future, we can do.
I wish you too every success in Medium, and hope you have much better success than any I’ve had in trying to educate folk on what needs to be done to finally dispense with the grand energy Ponzi that we’ve practiced for all of our known history :)