To understand what needs to replace it, we need to fully understand what it is we have to replace.
It is more than political organisation, money, or even human power, it is physical, involving the physical energies of nature.
It is practiced by all of humanity now, regardless of our political organisation; the practice of exchanging things we define as capital between one another with a view to profiting.
Unfortunately, a direct outcome is something apparently not seen by many people; the Grand Energy Ponzi (GEP), which is actually happening, whether we see it or not, we see its effects.
We end up burning on our planet as a species at its conclusion, whether we see it or not.
At least we can all see when we are burning.
The thing that blinds us from seeing the GEP is like a drug, it seems to affect us subconsciously, in a way most of us don’t detect.
We are programmed by society, the system, the establishment, our peers, to not see the culprit, as we are all driven by it, without exception; profit.
The nature of it is that we must practice it when the alternative is scarcity enforced against us, in other words in all scenarios in the known history of humans, until very recently.
So in general we have to function in a mode of enforcing scarcity against others to survive.
Those who have refused to do it, with the system unchanged, wind up destitute in isolation, or even nailed up on a cross, as in one famous historical incident.
So the luckier of us get into the way of amassing more than we need, more capital, more and more of it, with the result that we deprive more and more others of their “fair share”, enslaving, colonialising, warmongering, yada, yada.
All through history, through slavery and colonialism, it has more or less worked, based on a zero sum system, where the finite “pot” is the capital of our planet; the thing we have all competed for.
Every financial exchange represents a piece of our planet.
Our planet, everything in it, everything in our heads, and everything we ever created by the ingenuity in our heads, was created from the energy of the sun, over millions of years.
As we evolved and multiplied, our ongoing energy consumption increased accordingly, exponentially.
The energy we’ve consumed explicitly, measured in KiloWatt-hours, calories, btu’s, or whatever in our capitalist system, was all from various means of converting things put there in the first place by the sun, even nuclear materials.
In fact, we’ve never generated power, only consumed it.
There is still only one energy source, the sun, and it isn’t on our planet.
But very recently we’ve seen something new, something making a difference, which most people still don’t seem to be able to see, even and especially amongst investors who are directly involved.
Bitcoin, with proof-of-work tokens, has a business model that forces practitioners towards solar energy.
There, we see tokens created from the energy of sunlight being exchanged for ever increasing amounts of fiat money.
So those tokens are absolutely valuable.
There, we see free wealth being created from the energy of the sun, for the first time in our history.
It is going largely undetected by governments, as practitioners don’t want to pay tax, or be detected using large amounts of electricity on national grids.
So they use solar farms.
When a practitioner uses a solar farm, in some place unmonitored, earlier tokens created from earlier installation can be exchanged for fiat, and the revenue from that then channelled back into the solar installation, to expand it, to create even more tokens.
And all of it represents wealth being pumped into the back door of the world economy.
So it is no longer zero-sum.
The wealth of Earth can no longer be quantified as a fixed amount of capital.
The energy of the sun is being used to create money, valuable money.
So when stimulus was issued, $4Tn in one month, the equivalent of $10K per head for every soul in the US, some strange things happened which did not make sense to those not understanding the GEP.
Oil prices went negative, the only time ever in our history.
Fish stocks, coral reefs, and air quality all saw a brief spike of recovery, the only time ever in our history.
Stocks in bankrupt companies still offering products we all wanted, but technically bankrupt nonetheless, soared, for the first time in our history, things like cruises on ships, and cars for hire.
Traditional investors including Warren Buffet ran for the hills crying foul, after the law was changed to allow that to continue.
And the dollar went up in value, not down, contrary to predictions by all conventional investors.
The dollar value goes down when it is not issued, and up when it is, because the most valuable dollar; the one with the highest utility, is the one available to be spent when needed.
Every day people with access to trading in markets via the app Robinhood, for the first time ever, so with no experience, were trading with newly acquired free money, received as a trickle down of the stimulus issued.
They didn’t care if they lost, they got the money for free.
They were donating, to the causes they saw as valuable.
They never had that power before, not in any other system, not ever.
There, we saw pure, finely grained democracy, for the first time in our history.
So the answer is simple, free money has to continue to be issued.
The nature of money has to change, from money-as-debt, to money as sunlight, to accommodate the new phenomenon of money-as-sunlight.
Besides, more and more people have been struggling to stay in work, more and more people complain of “Bullshit jobs”.
The vast majority feel like prisoners of the system.
When we look hard at the energy aspects, we see Earth as a kind of Battery, which was charged over millions of years by the sun.
Then we consumed enough of it in around 150 years to force the average temperature of the planet upwards, to the extent we see the land now literally burning in many places, sometimes with us on it.
All of that temperature rise is as a result of the activities of profit, which are the activities of processing the energy of Earth.
There we see the Grand Energy Ponzi.
Our financial debt marches onwards in real time hand in hand with the total amount of energy we’ve measured consuming in KWh.
Our financial debt is actually an energy deficit to our planet, which can only be paid back down by work done by solar energy.
Work done by solar energy applies to Earth at a much higher rate than the natural rate of Earth enrichment by sunlight.
There we see how the technology of humanity actually extends the technology of nature, by enhancing the enrichment effect of the energy of the sun on Earth.
Earth can recover within a single lifetime, after we switch from working for profit, to working rewarded by money as sunlight, where work is whatever we consider valuable to our planet.
On how we are organised to achieve that, it looks like a kind of anarchy, or a kind of distributed decentralised government, formed by all people.
The banks could initiate it tomorrow, if they were to do the responsible thing, announce our financial debt for what it is, an energy debt to our planet, and begin issuing massive free money, continuously.
If the money issued exceeeds the amount of wealth being realised by money-as-sunlight, then it follows that the value of the issued currency will drop, by dilution of the pool of increasing capital. Conversely, if not enough money is issued, its value drops as a result of being unavailable.
So there is a sweet spot in the middle which represents our current level of solar power implementation.
If that sweet spot turns out to be less than we would like, we increase the solar infrastructure accordingly, and the sweet spot increases.
In time, less than a lifetime, using that technique, we will see a superconducting worldwide grid driven by solar energy that supplies hydrogen to fuel all combustion and fuel celled vehicles, as well as all electricity ever needed, even for aircon and all the other creature comforts we love, with no need of batteries.
For more details, check out my story on the Bitcoin Kardashev Hinge, it can be found by searching in Medium.
Sorry to give you a reply which maybe reads a little like war and peace, it represents quite a few years of research, some at PhD level, which is suppressed by the system when written as a story in its own right, so I find myself doing this in response to the stories of others, lately, rather than writing as standalone items.