Frederick Bott
3 min readFeb 6, 2025


To me you are contradicting yourself fundamentally by denying there is any reality beyond what your very limited view of view of "science" might be able to "prove", because you are yourself chasing something never proven, something that can't actually be proven one way or another, because it's not reality.
Reality is that in a creative world, one where new information is always appearing, we cant know what new information will come out, there can be no such thing as certainty as seems to be pursued by investors for example, they wish the world was cut and dried, thus removing their uncertainty of energy supply, which they get through profiting from investments.
What you appear to be doing, as far as I see, is a kind of self fulfilling prophecying, which is another noticeable characteristic of energy slaves that don't realise they are energy slaves.
To be like this, you have to deny that there is any such thing as emergent properties, superhuman intelligence, which is unprovable in the conventional sense by us, by definition, yet it obviously has to physically exist, for our own bodies and the bodies of all organisms to exist, your own body is a hierarchy of intelligence. Your gut has intelligence. There is a systemic, supernatural, superhuman intelligence associated with us, acting as we do all for profit, and a self perpetuated self fulfilling prophecy that we are headed for disaster which has to ignore that there is any alternative to destruction, which is physically our net activity as a species, given we currently depend on what is very provably an unsustainabke physical energy lie.
The truth is it's you seeking the unprovable, not us with faith of any kind, who instinctively believe in spirituality and directly unprovable superintelligence, it's you who might even try to impose that view on others by force, and you would do that systemically, acting with others that have the same limited view, to deny to yourselves that you were acting in any way evil, this is how we blind ourselves from the inhumanity we do as an evil system, a beast, the devil, the moloch, yours is the mindset that causes this, and you live in what can only be described as Enshittopia. It isnt reality, it's an imaginary world created of lies, the same lies we need to tell to sell ourselves, to save our jobs etc, to preserver our place in the deadly system destroying the planet.
I am guessing you are an investor, this would explain your mindset of what you call physicality, when actually it's the opposite, you actually have to ignore lies and destruction of information. What you are seeking is proof that there is no such thing as creation, and yet creation has to exist for life to exist at all.
Its you that is living in a very dangerous constantly reducing world where you can't even discriminate between what is good and evil, what is creation, what is destruction, because essentially everything done by us as a collective suierintelliigence that we created by ourselves, programming ourselves, if unwittingly until now, as surely as any set of LLMs to have associated with us a superhuman intelligence that is literally hell bent on destroying the planet, it lives on the physical energy of destruction, and you can't see it, won't see it, because you can't bear the thought that the for profit system that you are signed up to, depended on all your life, might be that horrible.
Sorry if that comes across as an attack, but it's the truth, and truth is what seems to be mattering less and less to those folk that seem lost in Enshittopia.
For truth, we have to admit the whole truth, which is harsh, that we all of us are guilty by being parts of a very inhuman, ant- life, destructive system. We need to be brutally honest with ourselves about that, every adult, we are all part of the system of energy slavery which is physically destroying the planet causing all the atrocities, all the inhumanities.
Indigenous knowiedge never lost sight of this, there really are more superintelligences than we can imagine, and nature is the one at the top, the cleverest of all, playing the cleverest game of all, that is in process of right now teaching us a very hard physical lesson, about what is reality, and what isn't.
Its not what you think it is.



Frederick Bott
Frederick Bott

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