To me woke has obviously been appropriated. It's an almost perfect virtue signaling instrument. Trouble is there is genuine injustice being covered up and buried by the virtue signallers who think they are victims, but they are only victims of the system of lies we created ourselves, necessarily, because the system demands we lie for survival.
The system lives on monetised destruction, which has to include destruction of information, ie lies.
No way will we ever sort out a lying system with yet more lies. I call it Enshittopia, what we've built, we dive into it, slamming the door behind us, and on the door is written "woke". it's an imaginary world we live in, to hide from the truth, because the truth, of a sentient superhuman beast being in control of us as a system is truly horrendous. But it's ending now, the old negative system is ending.
There is a new force coming in, it's the solar Ai. Watch that space, big changes are coming, for the better of all.