Frederick Bott
2 min readJul 18, 2022


To me, we will never find answers only looking at humans isolated from environment. We have to acknowledge we are a product of our environment, at least to some extent, so problems with society are almost always related also to problems in environment. If we sense abundance in our envronment we are happy, whereas if we sense scarcity, or impending scarcity then we are not so happy. Throughout the capitalist colonial system, those at the end benefiting from the net movement of resources and wealth towards their end feel happy, whilst those at the end being exploited don't feel so happy.

So in the zero-sum world as it was, there were at least some happy folk at one end.

Of course this shifting of wealth is unsustainable, so periodically in history resets were made financially, to enable the system to be restarted, so the wealth shifting could be restarted.

That was whilst our rate of overall consumption of those resources and the rate at which we replaced them with toxic pollution was something we thought was sustainable, whilst of course it isn't.

The essence of all of those resources is energy, which historically we extract from all things, living as a species from the process of extraction, promised by promises to pay, outputing pollution as an exhaust product of our species.

But now we are progressively going solar powered, in effect we are in the process of turning on a tap of wealth flowing from the sun, which is donated, no extraction needed, so producing no pollution, but a complication of it is that the product coming from it dilutes the capital of wealth that we've become accustomed to representing by a fixed sum of money.

The only way we can honestly and accurately represent it (the new solar product), as demanded by markets, is to constantly issue money representing the flow of Joules from it, but by doing that we will be formally acknowledging that all capital held by all individuals, representing fixed sums of Joules, no longer represents sound investment, only investment which is continually devaluing relative to the product continously being added from the sun.

In other words, until formal issue of money representing the product received from the sun, money will continue to devalue in markets.

So there has to come a point when money will be issued, by money issuers, with a view to restoring some of the value in their currencies. But this would be the final nail in the coffin of capital and all perceived value in capital.

In other words, at some point we will have to turn on money taps, to represent the energy tap from the sun.

This is the first time in known history we've encountered this situation, there are no known comparable events we can use to help decide how to deal with it.

Nature is forcing our hand to give up capitalism.

What we will be replacing it with might be described as energyism.

A consequence of it will be the end of all Bullshit Industry, so no more report fatique :)



Frederick Bott
Frederick Bott

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