To me there is a systemic crisis underlying all, affecting all of us, but with symptoms we each see from different points of view.
The root problem is energy and how we don't handle it correctly, or even know how to do. This includes conventional science, unfortunately, which considers all renewables as equals, whilst their economic effects are very different. Specifically solar is mathematically very different from wind, or any other energy from Earth, since the Joules from solar are added to Earth, whilst all the others are subtracted from Earth, mathematically solar is the only one which is positive whilst all the others are negative, like energy by extraction including oil and nuclear is always negative. Only positive can truly add value to global economy, all other product is not actually created since by its creation things of nature are destroyed that we might not see as immediately important from our own immediate point of view, but which ultimately accumulates to outweigh the value of everything we thought we created, by becoming a global existential hazard to all life.
Of course this has to manifest also in economy, since we are not monetising the thing of actual value, which as explained is the only energy which mathematically adds real value to Earth, of course money has to devalue because it is not the money but the solar product which is valuable, and this manifests directly as increasing difficulty in maintaining profit by all profit driven business, as money becomes progressively more useless.
Notice now the decline in official electrical energy supply in "Developed" countries, subject to increasing populations, in UK a population growth of around 20% due to immigration alone since 2005, yet with 20% decline in electricity supply.
In reality the actual economy of UK increased by at least 20% to physically support the added people, but money is issued only to support officially supplied energy, whilst domestic and community solar is the only possible explanation of what logically produced the physical energy needed to support the extra people. And yet, no money has yet been issued to ennumerate the energy which has sustained this population growth.
This known, the real physical reason for inflation is known, and there is now no excuse for the scientific, economic, political, and technical utilities energy supply industry to continue ignoring it.
It is actually actually gross dishonesty now to continue ignoring this physical reality which is having the effect of now tens of billions of pounds in uk alone being demanded of a public which has seen rising austerity for now many years despite the growing presence of unmonetised solar product continuously adding physical value, and none of it has been monetised, all but the "richest" of individuals have been falsely given the impression that their work output has to continously increase whilst their real income has had to continuously decrease, when all along what we could all have had, was a UBI indexed to the value of solar Joules being put to use, and this would have preserved the value in money, by reflecting the honestly the physical product of value.
So in fact it is not the public who owe the government and banks anything at all, there is no black hole in the UK, but the actual deficit is in the amount of money due now to the public, this being our reward for putting to use donated energy requiring no extraction, thus saving labor of extraction and generation of associated pollution.
The 50 billion claimed to be owed by the UK government, in light of this information, is the correct amount owed, but they have the mathematical sign wrong, it isn't a negative, a debt, but positive, because it came from the only energy which is mathematically positive, it is not a debt owed by the public, but a credit, owed to the public, and which can be paid simply by issuing money not as debt, but as honest monetisation of the solar product put to use.
It would be cool if some bright scientists would pick this up right now and run with it straight to COP27, but pigs might fly.