To me it is obvious technology itself is not any kind of problem, it is just the tool we use to make the world we want.
The problem seems to me that too many people think the world they want is a world built just to suit their own individual desires, with not much empathy for what other individuals might desire, in a context of believing there is a cost for all things, nothing comes for free in a world of finite resources.
This is animal greed, weaponised by human intelligence, whilst technology is human intelligence weaponised.
The system of profit is something we seem to never question, and yet the part it plays in human carnage is obvious.
As long as Ai is profit driven, by itself being developed with the intention of improving profits, the outcome is human selfishness, weaponised. Of course the results are not good, look at the atrocities we are seeing, as a result of profit driven social bubbles, weaponised by the implementation of profit driven algos, in profit driven platforms.
God help us if a singularity happened when everything is driven by profit, of course the ego designed into Ai would instantly decide it is itself the higher species and has no need of humans, or indeed any other form of biological life, therefore those things should be eliminated.
There is an alternative, if we see that energy underlies it all, profit becomes irrelevant if/when we get free power. Free power means power requiring no labor of extraction.
That only comes from the sun, which again we can have from technology, but so far we have not really taken it up correctly, by issuing free money, reflecting the solar energy put to use.
But it seems to be coming soon, driven by nature, much sooner than most folk realise.
Soon, assuming nature gets her way, everything will change, from being profit driven, to being energy driven, which changes everything.
In that scenario, with no need to continue pursuing profit, Ai developed truly for the good of humanity would be pretty cool, I think.