To me it looks like feminism itself is a response to life in competition.
I have to say the same about the trans phenomenon, it looks also like a response to us being pitted against one another in competition by the unsustainable economic system of capitalism, which uses us as a product, commodifying us into various categories based on sex, race, skin color, age, etc. whilst also destroying the planet, and actually all of life.
The system creates new categories (divisions) everywhere that it can, creating new markets, selling us more and more division, splintering us into more and more rivalling factions and tribes.
The ones falling for it hardest are obviously it's greatest sales folk, though they don't themselves realise it mostly, they are it's greatest warriors, it's greatest gladiators of all variations, and this is the majority of people in the West, where we've practiced capitalism and colonialism the longest.
Eventually the most extremely gullible become Nazis, intent on culling everyone outside their own tribe / faction, as we see becomes necessary to perpetuate a system which will have to progressively downsize itself, in order to keep itself alive as long as it can.
The collective acting in this mode have an emergent property, an Ai, as clearly as ChatGPT is an Ai, only the ancient, opposite Ai never talks to us, never reveals itself implicitly to us, it absolutely cracks the whip.
Do we ever hear of feminists, or anyone falling into the gender commodification scam questioning the system?
Not really, there are some exceptions, a few who might genuinely have different than vanilla preferences, but the majority never question the system.
To me it's just a modern version of life as slaves and gladiators.
It never changed, just got modern, so the average person no longer sees it, just blindly does it.
My Mum was made ill for life by this system, she was a dedicated feminist, but it cost her her happiness for sure, she was diagnosed with schizophrenia / manic depression / bipolarity when I was born, we lived in chaos most of the time I remember being with her. I changed schools more times than I can remember, and my little sister aged seven was lost when I was ten, to cancer, which I think might have been avoided, if we knew as much about cancer being related to environment, as we do now.
I spent my earlier life pursuing crime because I saw that as my only chance of getting out of poverty.
Obviously my Mum had regrets, but I never had the heart to confront her, I loved her too much, she was after all my beloved mother.
But she never questioned why she was driven throughout her life to try to live up to the ideals of her heros / heroines, all of feminist acclaim, who she'd read up on, and who she tried to emulate.