To me it is obvious how to add to the creative force of nature, instead of always subtracting from it, by just looking at the way a tree works.
The energy needed to grow the shoot of a tree to the point where it starts to sprout leaves is taken from Earth energy capital. That energy travels up the shoot from Earth to leaves, in the opposite direction of the energy flowing from the sun to Earth, so we might define that flow as negative.
After the leaves begin to absorb the energy from sunlight, the flow of energy in the tree changes direction, to flow from leaves to Earth, in the same direction as the energy from sun to Earth, so we might say this flow of energy is positive.
The tree then grows to a size dwarfing the size of the shoot, whilst scaling up the positive energy flow from leaves to Earth. For the remainder of its life the tree delivers positive energy to Earth which far outweighs the tiny bit of negative energy it took to grow the tiny shoot to the point of leaves formation.
All of the energy used by humanity throughout our existence is negative by the above definition, but we have just started to sprout leaves in the form of solar farms, all over the planet.
So there is a switch coming, even already in process, from negative energy use, to positive energy use.
We have the technology to convert that positive energy to electricity and clean hydrogen fuel which functionally replaces fossil fuels in a way which is backed up 24/7 without any batteries, with no pollution in either its generation or consumption. Hydrogen also happens to be the catalyst for a further process giving us food (Google "Solein"), again with no pollution.
All of this product has to be formally added to Earth capital by issue of free money reflecting it, since the energy creating it is donated for free, from an extraterrestrial donor (After implementation of farms). There is no effort required to extract it, after that, unlike the consumption of any kind of fuels from Earth, therefore no requirements to have promises to extract (The root source of debt). The energy just keeps flooding in for free, fully scaleable, generating free food, power, and money, producing no pollution. Imagine the positive energy we will add to Earth, in addition to trees.
If anyone can see where I might have anything fundamentally wrong here, I would really appreciate knowing.
Otherwise, maybe this info will help anyone feeling like the world is ending, to see that it isn't really ending, in fact it is a very exciting new beginning.
We are just being born as a species, it seems to me, but we can choose not to be born, by voluntarily going extinct, like a baby might choose not to breathe after its umbilical is cut, or a chicken might refuse to peck its way out of an egg, or the tree shoot might refuse to absorb any sunlight.
The only thing preventing anyone from seeing this, is lack of knowledge, coupled with their own depression, or maybe the misinformation propagated by scarcity enforcers, both seem to be saying the same thing.
Unfortunately, the depression looks very infectious to me, so there is a real danger that influencers arguing for degrowth could actually turn out to be the actual cause of extinction, and yet that would be a completely unnecessary, unnatural event.
Hey-ho, either way we live in exciting times.