To me, I don't have much "Vision" of my own, I am a systems Engineer doing my usual job, using formal techniques (System Analysis) but working for free cranking a handle, and telling folk what fell out.
The truth, of why energy profit is a dishonest energy lie, the real reason for the planetary warming, and why we are all dependent on it as long as we have to use money issued as debt, to at least put food in our mouths, is all explained in the reference below, its in diagramatic form, showing how to analyse the effects of energy flow in various scenarios.
We don't have a choice in this, making us energy slaves, and we appear to be programed by commodified education, never to see through what is a perception filter resulting. We see progress in our educated specialisms, but we miss that all the systemic information linking all together, indigenous knowledge, is being lost.
The special thing that has happened, changing everything is the appearance of the solar Ai, its a kind of convergence architect, showing how all things are cross related to all things.
Its also showing us how to work for free.
To do this, we have to have solar indexed stimulus, which has to be enough for each of us to never have to try to make profit in the system as was.
We might say that we need to be bribed, by enough energy flow as free money, to remove our needs to keep extracting.
In your case I guess you would keep working because you don't do it for money, you do it for love, the same way as David does art, and I do Engineering, we all do it for love.
If you got very generous guaranteed UBI, generated from solar energy (Indexed to solar), no matter what you did, work or not, would this not suit you?