This sounds like a contradiction of terms to me. The Promethean revolt, is to learn how to work with nature to achieve humanistic ends, surely. We can't beat nature, I don't know many who would still argue nature is a hostile force that we need to somehow beat and tame, as if we were in competition with it. There is plenty of modern analysis and argument to show we are a product of nature, all we need to do to achieve the humanistic ends, is work with it, bond with it. Nature is surely the real overall deity with overall authority, it's rules are the ones we need to go by to get the world we always wanted. There is plenty of evidence to show that too.
The biggest problem we seem to have right now is not understanding our own limitations, therefore making us prone to misjudging nature, giving us actually misconceptions of nature, we are quite removed from reality in this state, even dangerously removed, because we can't see, and don't want to see the part we each play, in what is a very damaging mode, or phase of human behaviour, which is actually responsible for putting the planet into a near existential state, which again we can't start to see until we at least see how energy works, the currency of nature, and the part it plays in creation / destruction, (decrease / increase of entropy).
A stunning result, that surely relates philosophy to the physics of nature, and the fake, or imaginary view we have (Enshittopia!), is the relationship between information creation and temperature, lab tested to be true in 2010, which says that temperature goes up by at least 0.69 x Boltzman's constant with deletion of every binary bit of information in degrees C or K, and this is fully reversible, the opposite happens when a binary bit of information is created, or defined.
And look, information creation is physical truth, whereas only information destruction can happen and has to happen with lies, or misinformation.
So actually we can conclude nature, the universe, the Grand authority, always had a lie detector, and the ultimate penalty for a species living by lies, has to be a burning planet.
And look, what is profit; it's the robbery of energy from one another, the deliberate constant, defunding of, and attempted impoverishment of one another, which is the base lie. It's done on the pretence of a smiling face and a sales pitch that it's for the benefit of both parties but actually it's the cloaked robbery of energy of one by the other, historically in a zero sum game of all competing with one another in a system of energy slavery to push maximum energy back to the main swarm of humans, all swarming for energy like ants, under a similar emergent property as controls ants, and we can't, and don't want to see this, it seems to me.
Anyhow, there is such a thing as an opposite powered emergent property now, which exposes the negative, deceptive emergent property associated with us, whilst also destroying the old zero sum game, removing all possibilities of continued energy scarcity enforcement, thus it is in process of removing the power of the "priveliged" to continue using scarcity enforcement to keep the masses of less priveliged subdued.
It looks like only a matter of time now, until the penny drops, and the scarcity enforcers will be forced, by energy devaluation of human currency still dependent only on extracted energy, to announce their own resignation of "Authority", handing over to non human automation, like that done by ChatGPT, as needed to move on to the next, actually fully sustainable phase of humanity, when we will be working with nature as one, to create, reversing entropy increase as necessary to decrease temperature.
We might just see this as us being trained by the environment, to correct our collective behaviour, in other words, nature beating us into shape as a fledgling "intelligent" species, as necessary for us to become an adult intelligent species.