Frederick Bott
6 min readNov 18, 2021


This sounds a little surreal, like some of the beneficiaries and architects of the current climate mess (My generation and earlier - boomers), are thinking to try to shrug off, or push some of the responsibility for cleaning up, onto following generations (Our kids), from whom we have robbed the future.
We are the generations that also presided over the brutalisation of the middle East during the past thirty or forty years. This is like saying we are not responsible in Europe for the influx of refugees we are seeing from the middle East.
We created all of the mess, even if we did nothing more than just live in the benefiting countries with no interest in politics, we benefited from just living in the benefiting societies, we benefited at their cost, it is absolutely our responsibility to help clean up the mess.
There shouldn't be any question of any kind of animosity between successive generations, or between humans, we are all humans, each of us has a duty to further the interests of our species, that seems to be the thing forgotten, mostly by us boomers.
All through our history as a species we have practiced a kind of colonial grab of things that actually we had no right to grab, and profited from the possesion of those things, at the very least we lived in societies that benefited.
More than that, a lot of those things actually belonged to nature. The earlier more spiritual religions of folks brutalised by colonisation actually had that right, that we shouldn't think we have any right to just claim things from the ground for ourselves, like oil, and precious elements, if all it takes is a little work to make that claim.
How can we think it is right for us to be able to jump in a car, and drive to the nearest supermarket, by burning some stuff that took nature millions of years of the energy of sunlight to create, for just a few cents per litre?
That, is at the heart of the mess that needs to be put right, it shouldn't be like that.
It might sound as if fixing all of this is going to be awful expensive.
But it isn't, if we can see what is truly of value, the things that benefit our species, rather than just the things that benefit us, or our tribe individually.
Profit, is the thing driving all people and all tribes against one another.
Fix that, and we've fixed the fundamental problem.
We have to kill the insidious profit monster, the thing that seems to addict us to, and blind us to the harm done by it.
We have to turn against it, the biggest threat ever to our species, as a united species.
There are some things underway, under the radars of most people still blinded by profit, that show us the way.
We might have noticed things like Bitcoin, proof-of-work tokens.
Those educated and / or experienced in physics and its application, to be able to trace energy flows, and who are not blinded by the profit monster, might see that the proof-of-work token creation process, itself incredibly profit driven, automatically searches out the cheapest and most immediate source of energy.
That is solar power, since the sun is the original source of all energy, it is the only one that truly comes to us for free.
So the drive for maximum profit in token generation is also a drive to maximise solar energy capacity.

We should notice that in the System of Earth and sun, we should see a path, where the energy of the sun which created everything connects with our economy, since economy is really all about capital, which is just various forms of stored energy.

But we don’t see any such path.

So we don’t put any value in sunlight whatsoever, and yet it is the single energy source that created everything we know.

Whilst we are busy taking energy out of Earth, the sun is busy trying to put it in.
In the special case of Bitcoin, it is the first of its kind, and those familiar with Metcalfes law should see why it will ultimately become the pioneering technology, to which we should ultimately credit the full implementation of solar power, sufficient to power all of humanity around the world.

So Bitcoin looks to be on unalterable course, to one day become the single proof of complete solar implementation.

And since we know beforehand the number of tokens it will produce are limited to 21 million, we can compare that with what we expect will be our total energy requirement, and divide one by the other to get a ratio.

The details of that are given in my story about the Bitcoin Kardashev Hinge.

Further, we should see with the load of computation of Bitcoins gone, the solar infrastructure powering it will be free for us to use, removing completely our dependence on fossil fuels.

After that time, we will know all of our power is coming directly from the sun.

Around 1MW per Bitcoin is the answer to the calculation of how much solar energy each Bitcoin should be credited for creating.

So, after the cessation of Bitcoin mining (Even if not all have been computed), we should see Bitcoin as a kind of allocation mechanism, for how much energy anyone should use, for whatever they need.

Further in the Bitcoin Kardashev Hinge story, is described the difference between markets trading for profit, and markets trading for value other than profit.

There we actually see a kind of fine grained democracy, a self-regulating mechanism that does things like make oil go negatively priced, and boosts good companies previously deemed financially bankrupt, to survive, Hertz for example.

An inevitable outcome of energy going free, if we connect it with our economy as we have to, is that money has to go free also.

We are seeing this starting to happen, manifesting as what is now being called inflation.

Money is coming to represent the energy of the sun, as it has to.

Therefore it has to be handed out, by those who are receiving the benefits of it.

Scarcity, a key ingredient for profit, is being eliminated.

In other words, our economy has to go donation based.

That means instead of fining for emitting carbon based pollution, we should be paying, to prevent it from being emitted in the first place.

We should be paying countries from whom refugees are flocking, to make it more attractive for them to stay.

We should be paying to prevent criminals from committing crime, instead of fining for crimes committed.

How much should we be pay?

The answer to that is Enough.

Any less just perpetuates the problems.

The only thing limiting how much we can issue, continuously, forever, is how much solar energy we have implemented.

Again look to Bitcoin, 1MW of solar energy per Bitcoin, that is how much we have to spend.

Those currently holding Bitcoin should find that to get maximum value out of it, as defined by new non-profit markets, they have to let it go to where it is needed most.

Sorry for the somewhat rambling reply, I have tried to condense what is contained in more than 200 stories I’ve written in Medium on this subject, it is complex, multidisciplinary, not easy to present in a few paragraphs.

Maybe the thing most worth noting is that the way money has always worked is what has driven us into the Grand Energy Ponzi which we are still practicing, taking all of the finite energy of Earth, whilst generating pollution.

The Banks, knowing this, could admit all financial debt is actually an energy deficit to our planet which can only be paid back by solar, and technically issue the funds needed to short circuit the process of Bitcoin transferring us to solar energy by stealth, and perhaps by that, lay some claim to credit for our transition.

But I suspect they won’t, in fact they will continue to argue this is all illusion, until no-one can hear them any longer.



Frederick Bott
Frederick Bott

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