This sounds a little like it does the opposite of what it claims it does - to simplify things, it sounds pretty complicated to me, someone who is normally tasked to put things together to make them do things. You might say I am an applied physicist, I would just say I am an Engineer.
The problem I see when some Engineers get distracted by things like this, is that we might start to think we can just manifest things, like magicians, we might even be happy to cultivate that image about ourselves, if few people understand what we actually did to create something useful, by just Engineering, it probably makes us more money to be thought of more as Wizards than Engineers.
The problem then starts to develop, into folk thinking they can do Engineering by just learning magic.
Not good, when it happens just as the world is on the edge of ending, as it is now, for us Engineers having to argue every point now seemingly with an ocean of would be Wizards, who ironically accuse us as being the ones trying to practice magic, they literally can't see the difference between actual practical Engineering, and magic, so they think their word on Engineering matters is as good as ours, when nothing could be further from the truth.
But thanks for a better understanding of Parapsychism!