This one sentence is the justification used by doomers of all ages to argue life is pointless, I've heard it so often now, yet it relates to a flawed understanding of thermodynamics, which science is starting to thrash out, at last.
The flaw, the missing information, is that life does the opposite of allowing all to degenerate. It's called creation. If you created in your life then you would see purpose, and the reason to want to stay alive, to do as much creation as you possibly can.
The reason we seem to have lost sight of that seems to be profit.
Profit is energy theft from the planet, and it is physically impossible to create using that energy.
This is the thing causing temperature rise before we consider symptoms like CO2, which just multiply the effects of the original sin.
Hence why there actually is no research being done towards everlasting life, there is no profit in it, only in the treatment of symptoms, because if a problem is ever fixed, all possibilities of making future business with it are removed. No for-profit business will ever do that, especially now resources to extract are becoming more and more difficult.
Even supposed non profits are this way inclined, their / our own existence becomes the thing more important, sooner or later, this has to override all other concerns, until we can fix the underlying energy problem, but the irony is if we leave it too late, then we lost the energy needed to invest in the required infrastructure of domestic and community solar hydrogen necessary to replace fossil fuels.
It is the creation of that fuel which would bring the temperature back down, in only about 30 or 40 years, which isn't long, considering it took thousands of years to push it up, albeit exponentially.
But if you don't know how creation works, because maybe the 2nd law was always presented as the end of the story, of course you can't understand this, and that is actually a very life shortening mistake to make, not just for the individual, but actually the species, and many other species, all of life actually, imho.
Where would we be if Noah had not lived for 500+ years, but instead was killed at a young age in a Genocide like the one taking place now in Gaza?