This neglects any consideration of the systemic effects of a multitude of people becoming obsessed by themselves, deciding for themselves what is right and wrong, with no common goals or considerations for other people.
Systemic effects are things like the damage done by colonialism.
Colonialism wasn't the work of individuals, not really, notice how business now has to carry out practices we would have defined as crimes a few years ago, in order to remain competitive, all business has to do this, as do actually all people. We commit an energy crime every time we make money from money, for example, and we are not free to choose not to do this, because if we didn't do it then we would get trampled by everyone else doing it. The same has been written about those practicing slavery in history.
I don't see much difference, it is all down to folk not accepting that there can, and is huge harm done by everyone just thinking about themselves, never on behalf of the collective, that we are all part of, we can never get away from that, we are part of the collective whether we like it or not, and we should feel jointly responsible for what it does, imho.