Frederick Bott
4 min readDec 4, 2023


This looks a little like Concorde, and the space shuttle to me.

Anything that we all knew was true progress, like those technical icons, and this scientific icon, which we know were victims of the relentless sweep of profit, we should mark for revival later, things we want to have back.

I believe we will have the environment needed to revive these things very soon. I think it is being accepted that the for-profit run has to stop, because it ends in the destruction of all things, all life, the removal of all energy from the planet.

We can't carry on with that, its physically unsustainable.

There is an alternative, a very cool alternative, but it will involve very radical change in how we view and use money and energy.

Currently they are separate in most folks eyes, but the physcial reality is money is energy, always.

When money makes money, energy has to have been gained also. It can be calculated by using the energy market prices applicable when the money was invested, and when the interest / profit was gained back out, the answer is in KWhrs, for example.

The energy gained in every profitable transaction in every supply chain transfers energy from one end to the other, cascading and multiplying along the chain, to the recipient(s) who invested the money that started the whole business.

Energy is what they / we really gained, by the investment, and because we do this without acknowledging or even realising it, it is actually a kind of theft, an energy con that we do without even thinking about it.

When we buy something, anything with money which gives us the energy we wanted, in the form we wanted, did we ever think the energy in what was received came from Earth at much higher energy cost than we paid for it?

Earth is the only party that can supply the energy gained, only it can give more kWhrs out than it received, Joules for Joules, KWhrs for KWhars, Calorie for calorie.

For each of those yielded to us, just because of profit, Earth also has to pay a cost, in KWhrs lost, which is much higher than the kWhrs taken by us, that we never even acknowledge, because for us, money is only energy when it suits us. But physically, money is energy, always.

That much higher cost paid by the planet has to manifest as temperature, because energy wasted becomes heat.

This is the fundamental driver of the temperature rise we see, before any considerations of CO2.

CO2 is a symptom, and a multiplier of this, not a cause by itself. If we didn't have the driver of profit causing this relentless energy theft that we never acknowledge, there would be no CO2 generation.

The only way to stop the temperature rise is to stop profit.

That happens, as soon as solar indexed stimulus starts, this will not only remove our requirement to keep using the financial instrument of profit, but will actually force it, because the sun can't be conned to give more energy out than it already gives for free, it gives what it gives with nothing asked in return, there is never a cost to it for anything received by us.

So the energy con of profit will no longer work.

That means the entire business model of profit will end.

But it doesn't mean the end of business, nor even the end of markets, it just means we won't be doing it for profit any longer.

We saw a glimpse of it, the non profit future. We we saw what happened when massive stimulus was issued during covid.

The market was flooded by traders voting, with money received for free, whilst the value of that money actually went up instead of down. They didn't vote for oil, it went negative priced, the only time in history so far.

The stimulus was stopped, because the value of capital plunged, and that threatened the ability of those holding capital to continue wielding power.

So the stimulus was stopped and the perpetrator, Trump, was cancelled.

We still don't know if he knew what the outcome would be or not, it doesn't matter, the thing that matters is we saw the solution.

That leads us to hydrogen, specifically domestic and community hydrogen, and the reason it is needed to put more energy from the sun to use than we ever did before, functionally replacing fossil fuels, keeping all aerospace in the air, whilst winding back down the temperature.

This is the opposite of what we did before, and are still doing for now, constantly destroying, constantly heating, even ramping up that effort whilst trying to fix things like CO2, always at profit.

We change, getting back the possibility of reviving not only things like Concorde, the Space Shuttle, and Popsci, but other really beneficial things that we never really started, like research on life leading to immortality etc.

We just need to be solar powered to do this, that is when the scarcity ends.

Now we started to use solar already, there is no reason to continue enforcing the scarcity, it is no longer a closed pot of capital, things like hydrogen generated from solar are already diluting capital. Mathematically, capital is already finished, now its all about energy - Energyism.

Energyism is what we are moving to physically, because we have to, like every plant has to when it first forms leaves, or it has to die.

I don't think we are ready to die rather than be born as a species, so we will see this move to Energyism, very soon.

Maybe COP28 will produce it, who knows, but it will definitely happen, or we will have armageddon, that is the only choice. Energyism or burn.



Frederick Bott
Frederick Bott

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