This is what I was taught also, all the way through my STEM education, about ten years, from the point when I was first "sold" STEM by the promotion of these wonderful ideals. And a lot of STEM practitioners still fully believe it, despite it not being true at all, they are the virtue signallers. And more still are realising the problem now, but don't know the full extent of it, or what to do about it.
The full extent of it is that it is existential, an existential mistake.
The only solution to it is to change the system, so that it no longer rewards us doing the wrong thing whilst allowing us, and rewarding us, for claiming we are doing the right thing.
Its insane seeing folk doing the worst possible, most evil and inhumane things, whilst seemingly oblivious, virtue signalling all the way.
The brutal truth is that all of STEM lives for profit. All of STEM is financed by financiers who are interested only in profit, and profit is not in the interests of humanity at all. In fact it is distinctly anti humanity, and anti-life. An awful lot of profit is made on death, and when we trace it to all causes and effects, it is the energy lie at the root of planetary warming, and when we construct the scenario of a world without profit, we see actually many human beneficial, and actually all life beneficial effects, there is no reason we could not have all the things we wish we could have in an ideal world - unlimited wealth, and immortality or something close to it, compared with what we have now; average human lifespans decreasing, instead of inching upwards as they were at least in the "developed" world until recent years, now we are seeing them rapidly decline again.
Would we tolerate mass killing of children in a world where we were free to do everythihg necessary to stop it?
I don't think so.
The truth is we are energy slaves, all of us, from the richest to the poorest.
We have to participate in this system of scarcity enforcement / energy slavery to have any individual survival at all. We have to enforce all the scarcity we possibly can, on those "beneath" us in the hierarchy of wealth and privelige, by stealing as much energy from those "beneath" us, by means of profit, so as to preserve as much energy as possible for ourselves individually, whilst remaining vulnerable ourselves to theft of our energy by those "above" us in the hierarchy.
The folk at the top don't realise that above them, is the inhuman system, an emergent property associated with all humanity working for profit, which has the biggest appetite and requirements for extracted energy of all.
Now that availabiilty of extracted energy has peaked, with the peak of oil in the seventies / eighties, all of the meagre human benefits achieved up until then, in spite of the system of profit, are being undone.
I could go on and on here, its a long, actually harrowing story, and you already know the system solution, we've been through it before.
But getting to it, we somehow have to cut through the incredibly damaging and deceptive energy-lie of profit.
I don't expect you to feel any motivation towards contributing to that.
But you might surprise, who knows.