This is the classic line used to completely obfuscate the truth, that concentrating on solar hydrogen on a domestic and community basis is all that needs to be done, and could start the instant it is incentivised by issue of solar indexed stimulus.
Technically that sweeping statement of fossil fuel reinforcing doom line is correct, because it includes lithium batteries, which would be ludicrous to consider as backup for all energy. The problem with lithium is it requires several kg of lithium to store a single kWhr of electricity, and all of that material has to be mined. No material is needed per kg hydrogen generated, and every kg holds 33 kWhrs of electrical energy or 39kWhrs combustion energy, and the materials needed for solar panels is mostly ubiquitous. The potential for storage by hydrogen is practically unlimited, and the more stored, the more energy is removed from being applied to the thermal mass of the planet by the sun. In fact, this is much easier to verify than the effects of greenhouse gases, we can see here how to drive temperature down, whereas there appears no way to do that by the unproven theory of greenhouse gases in an adiabatic atmosphere.
Another classically deceptive part of that sweeping statement is the assumption that the entire complement of solar would need to be renewed after 20 years. Not true, if the energy is being monetised, by sales of excess hydrogen, why not replace panels one by one, and even scale the facility up, indefinitely. This is how trees work in nature, they just replace their leaves one by one, and scale up.