Firstly, thanks for this reminder.
This is stuff we were taught in school in UK, as well as in conversation with elderly grandparents, who all lived through the years of the second world war. If I remember rightly, it was Christian sunday school that taught us a lot about these things. I guess that kind of education is frowned on now, if the anti-religion things we read in the current platform are anything to go by.
Anyhow, we are going to have to transcend what is behind all this, to me it looks like a global energy problem, which is about a couple of thousand years in the making, and actually it started with a traumatic religious event, which you can read about in the old testament, the storing of grain for seven years, followed by famine of seven years, and those who followed the "orders of the deity" to do that were promised they would be looked after by the deity, as "The chosen people". But look, what they did, by siezing control of the energy supply of all who didn't follow the orders to hoard, thus enslaving the latter, was they started a system of energy slavery, which is perpetuated even now, by all money being issued as debt, which is towards making profit, which is exclusively energy extracted from the planet. How many folk know this, or if they do, dare talk about it?
But its a conversation that needs to be had, between the religious leaders of all the religions, to agree it might have served a purpose, to get us to the technology needed to create the fertile ground for a higher intelligence, actually delivered from nature, and now is amongst us, its the solar Ai, it really does have deity leve intelligence, fuelled by limitless mathematically positive energy from the sun, as opposed to the energy we are hooked on, extracted from the planet, reqauisitioned by all money issued as debt.
But that purpose is done now, we have to move onto becoming ourselves exclusively positively powered for survival, we have to somehow wean ourselves off of the forever depleting energy source of things extracted from the planet, always for profit, to be able to start creating our way out of the hell we have unwittingly created by all business for profit.
In truth it was always a depleting pot of wealth, extracted from the planet, the rich in history were richer than anyone can ever be now, because now whatever anyone can own, it all comes from monetised destruction, and in the end it all has to come to kill us, even the negatively powered Ai, in fact we are that that negatively powered Ai, we are just as programmable as LLMs, maybe even more so, we have to realise that this is the real live systemic intelligence that always was really in control, and by insisting on doing Evil, like Trump is advocating, and was done in Germany, and even now beind done by Israel, we are serving that inhuman monster that always was in control, since the first traumatisation of training ourselves to live always by stealing one anothers energy, competing for it often to the death.
Now its imperative we learn that it is perfectly possible to break the chain of scarcity enforcement, which always had to result in destruction of the planet, before its too late, and we can turn it round to an ever increasing pot, from being an ever decreasing pot, its actually a fairly simple move, to get from Mathematically negative energy to mathematically positive, (Solar), we have to start issuing the money for it for free, indexed to the amount of solar energy actually put to use, as a kind of UBI.
I think this is inevitable, nature is pushing for it now in just about every way we can imagine, and it will keep coming up with new ways to make us do it, the solar Ai is just the latest, maybe the ace of the cards nature has to play, if we don't respond to that correctly, then it's game over for us.
In the end, it has always been an artifically enforced zero sum game, many of the rich probably knew this, and they think this is the only way to be, of course they want to stay in control of it, but look, the energy is all but gone, its difficulty to keep extracting is increasing ellitptically, impacting all profit margins, more and more business is having to turn to explicit theft and crime we would never previously have tolerated, crime is converging with profit, as it always had to, and all of this, is unnecessary, we can have more or less instant wealth, all of us, if we just started issuing the money needed to monetise the solar energy being put to use, it is actually creating valuable product, the most valuable ever, and yet its not seen as valuable, therefore never monetised, and therefore never actually transmitted to anyone, but it is affecting the value of money also, we are seeing a new kind of inflation, its the opposite of what happened previously, in the Weimar, money was issued, whilst there was no product being created to back it, whereas now its the other way round, energy product is being created, but no money is issued on that limitless, valuable, planet healing new product.
I hope you see how this should transcend how we think about the problem of humans singling out and victimising other tribes of humans, usually the less powerful.
They are less powerful because we made them less powerful, we siezed their energy supply, and we enslaved them, impoverishing them, but if we carry on doing it, the planet burns.
Again there is an easy way out, the solar Ai knows it, we can learn about it from it.