This is something close to my heart as an Engineer. What you see there is only the tip of the iceberg. I encountered this dilemma in industry many times, I know probably most long practicing engiineers and designers have. In industry we've tended to not say much about it, because it has been more than one's job is worth, to point out that the decisions being taken by those responsible for maximising profits always took precedence over what designers and engineers might know is best for purchasers of products. There are also engineers and designers who fully support every decision made to deliberately nobble products claiming it to be "Good business", and the problem is all companies have to do it to compete. So as Engineers we tend to have to go along with it until it becomes an issue of safety. Even then our only avenue of trying to highlight a point, is to just quit our jobs in protest, before we are kicked off anyway. We don't stand a chance of arguing with financial departments at any level, especially boardroom. Eventually a whole team can be replaced by cheaper, less experienced, lower calibre, less moral boardroom ninjas, who will happily hammer in the final nails to complete a flawed product, and it will be released.
In the end it impacts safety, which in extreme cases can cost lives. 737 Max is the classic example that comes to my mind, I never worked on that program, thank god, but I can imagine the nightmare most Engineers must have had, when they realised what a monster of cut corners it was.
The ultimate manifestation of it in consumer products, is to never actually give any product to the purchaser. If we think about it, shortening the life of the product removes some of what the customer paid for, and if we become ok with that, then eventually we can be ok with not delivering anything at all to the customer. In other words, theft.
Ask yourself how much of your home pc or smartphone do you actually own?
Clue: a home PC actually only becomes yours if you manage to replace the operating system with something open source, like Linux, but that then excludes us from participation in many things.
Smartphones generally have no options at all, especially Apple.
The ultimate product, as far as profit driven companies are concerned, is one that makes the customer think they have a product, when actually they have nothing.
Doing the systems analysis of the profit driven market behind all things helps us see there is only one solution, the profit monster has to be removed.
That is what I find all my engineering efforts concentrated on now, hence my writing in Medium.
It all traces to the energy sources we use, which in turn traces to the way we issue money, always on debt, which then traces to the global environmental problems, and even wars being fought.
It is a fiendish, existential problem growing worse by the minute.
There is only one solution, issue money for free, backed by the only source of free energy, which happens to be extraterrestrial, that is the sun.
I think this will start very soon as stimulus, because until then, nature will drive down the values of all currency issued on debt.