This is not True Doug. What is true is that there has been a concerted attack on Hydrogen, by researchers funded by oil industry money, for decades. So what some think they know about hydrogen is not true at all, even some who might claim to be specialists, the educational marerials themselves are full of this misinformation. Electrolysis from solar energy to produce hydrogen is a very quick instant method of producing hydrogen. The equipment for this is now mature. I know all this because I am a long practiced systems Engineer looking at this now for years. I've further explained why many concerns about hydrogen, especially concerns of cost, become no longer relevant when money comes to reflect the production of it, as it has to.
Which concern exactly do you think is a showstopper? Just name one, and I will tell you why it isn't a concern. You could go through all concerns like this if you wish. There is not a single concern about hydrogen which is valid.
The leakage of hydrogen through practical tanks and conduits is known, there are specifications produced by manufacturers of all equipments enabling us to out those in system models which accurately simulate all systems up front, they look perfectly practical, the leakage is a very small factor, a boogey man dangled by the anti hydrogen lobbies. Another one is pollution. There are no hydrocarbons whatsoever involved in hydrogen production. Do you know that hydrogen "reference" books even describe water as pollution and impurity of hydrogen, because in the electrolysis process, water remaining in the hydrogen due to limitations in the practical process of converting the water to hydrogen has to leave only water. This is like saying water wapor is polluted, if there happened to be some water that wasn't converted to steam amongst it, it is ridiculous to claim this, and obviously very harmful now we can see the mess lies like that are resulting in.
Oil companies might expect to somehow muscle in on hydrogen, thus dominating the public perception of it, but it actually has nothing to do with fossil fuels, in its pure form.