This is kind of cool, thanks for posting it. But look, let's say the alien was up there for the entire 2000 odd years, and even before, watching us. He might have seen a certain creed of humans got a message from a burning bush that instructed them, it's "chosen people" to start hoarding grain, for seven years, because (The bush prophesied), this hoarding would be followed by seven years of famine. The alien would have watched, as grain was hoarded, from all the other humans, maybe often in return for a fair seeming price, preventing it from growing, and sure enough, famine finally came about, after seven years as predicted, and the humans who didn't get, or didn't follow the instructions, found themselves at the mercy of the hoarders. The alien would have watched, as the former nobles and dignitaries of the non-hoarders, the non-chosen people, were forced to do whatever the hoarders demanded they do, like supply all their labor to them, and to hand over their entire families to them, their coveted daughters for marriage etc, for the hoarders to allow them just the minimum grain they needed to live.
The alien might have noted that traumatising event was the very first event of some humans deliberately siezing and controlling the energy supply of a population of other humans, establishing the very first system of energy slavery and the associated system of class and hierarchy, perpetuated and propagated throughout the whole of humanity from that point onwards.
The alien then might have noted money starting to be used to more effectively abstract the energy originally present in the grain, allowing other energy resources to be included in the commodification of the system of energy slavery.
And the alien might not be surprised to see we never got rid of it, because it became a learned behaviour, a live beast that lives in the population of people, all extracting energy from the planet for profit, an energy scourge between them, constantly throwing energy to heat which is applied to the thermal mass of the planet, constantly raising temperature, constantly desertifying the planet, constantly destroying the planet, and all the while, the people got more and more entrenched in it, losing sight of it, with the commodification of education specialising all humans into effectively energy-slave ants, system blinded by the commodification of education, all coming to believe that what they had established was progress, and creation, when actually it was destruction of the planet all along, and actually, it was always unsustainable, and all the while, all information on the previous civilisations that had existed without slavery or profit, was deleted, erased, because keeping it required energy of maintenance, which had no way of being supported by profit, so the energy needed for that was removed also, reducing documented history to only the 2000 or so years that profit had existed.
Hence all evidence of any other way of being was erased.
But the alien knew it all, the alien had seen it all, the alien even knew who spoke the instructions that started the destruction of the planet, all for profit, all for slavery.
Do you have a choice, of whether or not to keep contributing to a system now genociding innocents? Can you choose to stop using money issued as debt, to keep putting food in your mouth?