Frederick Bott
2 min readNov 12, 2022


This is interesting, it is true more brains means more money, and all of that in time means cheaper resources, but something having real effect, which is not being noticed or credited correctly, anywhere as yet, is solar energy.

Hence why we might think brainpower alone is enough to create wealth. I went through a phase of believing this also, planning to create a virtual world economy based on this premise, until the phyiscal energy connection becama apparent, the one bill that always has to be paid in a virtual world is the power required to maintain everything, hence the reason why most virtual worlds fail, or at best, struggle, because creators have to pay to create, instead of the other way round.

Every human physically requires a minimum number of Joules every day to survive, and in the developed world we mostly get those via money.

We get most creative when we have more than enough money to indulge our creativity. I would define that as true freedome to create. We might say that the minimum we could get by on (In absolute poverty), is our personal energy overhead. More humans means more energy required and we usually see this confirmed by data tracking electricity usage. But since 2005, they have been diverging, at least in UK data, which I guess is not unusual, we would probably see the same in any developed country.

In UK the grid electricity demand has dropped by 20% whilst population has gone up by at least 10%, due to immigration alone, since around 2005.

By my analysis that isn't because we actually use less electricity, but actually because the load has moved over to community and domestic solar.

If we think about it, this actually has huge implications on many things including inflation and issue of money, that we can't get around.

As far as I can see nature has this all stitched up, we are being forced down a path, which leads to a much better place, a world in which capital no longer has value. It is mathematically devalued by the presence of unlimited free Joules which add to Earth, with the opposite effect of Joules subracted from Earth (Energy derived from Earth by labor of extraction)

Mathematically, extracted energy is negative, whilst solar energy is uniquely positive.

Missing this, therefore not monetising the energy of the sun, is the reason we are seeing inflation. This time, the only way the inflation can be stoppred from devauluaing all money, is to issue money for free to correspond with solar product being added.

I call this "Kardashev Money", for want of a better term.

Here is how to work it out, given the electricity consumption data from the point of view of the energy supply industry (Though of course they don't agree, yet, they will, sooner or later)



Frederick Bott
Frederick Bott

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