This is dangerous, actually illogical hogwash imho.
If you ever yearned for family yourself you would know what I mean. The world is far from perfect, the people putting themselves in charge of humanity show they are desperately not capable of understanding it or controlling it. The world is already burning because of it. Your mindset sounds like the kind that would rather control humanity than just be satisfied nurturing a family that nature might bless us with.
Rich people putting their kids into priveliged schools because only a few can be rich, then those kids either get brainwashed into thinking like you do, or get blamed and drugged for having "ADHD". That isn't a healthy or even survivable world imho.
Family is cool. Ask anyone in Latin or African countries, they have some of the strongest family values anywhere. Unbreakable, luckily, imho.
Maybe you never personally experienced real family love. I am sorry if that is true, but you should not let that blind you to the fact it exists, and is very special, or worse, to be jealous of it, I think.
It isn't the family structure that isn't working, this has nothing to do with the reason the planet is burning. The planet is burning because of the screwed up economic system of financially rewarding folk for creating and leveraging scarcity to put oneself in political power over as many others as possible.
The energy physically powering it all has to come extracted from Earth.
Change that to solar on a domestic and community basis backed by hydrogen, this is free energyv capable of ultimately creating anything, even money, always at no cost to Earth, only gain to Earth, including even lowering of temperature with the more that is created from it, after the initial, currently extracted energy seed needed to implement it, the more energy we can put to use that way, the more the planet and thus us, benefits.
This is what nature is forcing us to, and will force is to, one way or another.
The best thing we could do right now is issue the money that rightfully should have been issued already as massive stimulus, representing the solar economic product already created and put to use from domestic and community solar.
This would start the motor leading to the required solar hydrogen ecology that nature requires us to move to.
If you doubt this ask yourself what is the currency of nature?
It is energy.
Capital is only energy stored, not energy put to use.
Mathematically, live energy is a function of time, whilst capital is only a constant.
If one or the other has to go, which one is life?
I hope you see it is the function of time, energy, it has to always come to outweigh any amount of capital.
If you get this straight, that would go a long way towards straightening out all the other misperceptions you have over all kinds of things, including family, imho. Nature is pretty cool, if we stop trying to control it, just go with the flow of nature, it is actually very generous, but death of the species, and planet, and the whole family of life that we've become responsible for, is the penalty if we continue to refuse what it demands, imho.