This is cool work, it brings back to mind some of Nikola Tesla's thinking 122 years ago, published in his 1900 Human efficiency paper.
But something he understood was the effect on economy, of connecting to the sun.
He knew that with free energy, there had to be free money.
And JP Morgan probably knew that would be the end of capitalism, hence why he defunded Tesla, and why we still haven't connected to the galactic fusion reactor in the sky, because it is for free, and as long as there is power over people by having capital, it won't change.
But luckily it works both ways. With free money, we connect to the sun, and that has been happening steadily under the tax radars of most governments, as described in the Bitcoin Kardashev Hinge story.
So now money is starting down a very slippery slope of losing all relation with capital. That is what we see as inflation.
The only way to keep people funded now, and to maintain its value against all others in markets, also all sliding, is to issue more and more of it, until a point of equilibrium is found, balanced with the amount of solar energy being received.
Then we'll see all tokens valued in Joules of energy, instead of capital, like gold, as it was.
And that will be a really good thing in my opinion, since that will finally be the end of all value in capital.
We might identify that new economy as Energyism.
The Money-Fuel tree story gives some more information also, for anyone interested.