This is bang on the nail imho, thanks for posting, Indi.
A further relevant point; we are actually owed issue of the money needed to boost funds going into infrastructure transition.
The economic activity resulting from solar product created by domestic and community solar has never yet been officially recognised. It is a lot, since 2005 when it began to push utilities energy supply downwards, in all "developed" countries.
With the fraction of solar still only around 30 percent of energy used, the effect of this is already profound, manifesting as inflation, which can only get worse, until Issue of money is brought up to date with solar product created.
In effect, money is only issued on economic product created by utilities energy. Therefore as that scales down, and solar scales up, money is becoming increasingly less representative of the actual product being put to use. Hence it has to lose value, and is losing value, as we see, by inflation.
From a Systems Engineering perspective this can be seen by noting that money is the transport mechanism that transports the physical energy needed by each of our bodies to live, about 150 Joules per second, 24/7, for life.
Inflation effectively reduces the energy content of the money.
There will come a point when the poorest will literally be not getting the energy they need to survive. We are already seeing this in the poorer countries of the world.
The only way to increase the energy content in money, is to "Connect" it to the actual source of energy, which itself is not scarce, due to the large capacity of solar.
Seeing this helps us see also that our predicament is like a plant that just formed it's first leaves, but as yet, no nutrients are issued within the plant to reflect the Joules being received by its leaves, to transport those on to all things needing it.
Obviously a plant with this problem would be fatally broken, a big problem for the plant, and all things depending on the energy that should come from it.
The only solution to this is to issue money representing solar product put to use to all people.
As long as that is not done, the real benefits from solar continue to be "Choked off", but accumulating nonetheless as economic product created.
Obviously we've never seen this before in history, so it is something that bucks thousands of years of energy use and economy, but we can't get around it, the system of humanity has to change to accommodate this, as surely as nutrients need to flow in the plant.
Issue of this as stimulus will instantly change everything, defusing the move towards war, which can only escalate to nuclear if the war efforts are not stopped.
This is nature's way of forcing us to do what it demands, it seems to me, nature is the highest authority, and is now demanding we do the right thing, by issuing money on her currency, that is energy, the only issuer and enforcer of which is the sun.
The ultimatum being given to us by nature is "You put my currency, energy, the real energy, to use, or you die".
By ignoring that, those with the power to issue money, by issuing it towards war and all the other bullshit activity which exists on mathematically negative energy product, instead of issuing it as has to be issued for free, to reflect energy received for free pet Joule, are effectively throwing all of humanity to it's death, including themselves.
To get an idea of the amounts of money that need to be issued, in each country, ask how much is the business of 30 percent or so of utilities energy worth?
In UK, using government approved data since 2005, this is worth around 457 Bn, as of the end of 2022.
If we write off money issued as stimulus against this (approx 50 Bn), still more than 400 Bn remains outstanding.
50 Bn solar product was created in 2022 itself alone.
2023 is headed towards creation of a further 160 Bn.
Every year this has to increase, amounting to a very generous, permanently sustainable UBI for all.
Inflation is no longer because too much money has been issued, but the opposite, not enough has been issued. Nowhere near enough.