This is assumption, I think (Not knowing for sure), that the destruction of the place was due to "Repulsion". I don't think it says that in many biblical texts.
Working on the energy problem now for a long time, and seeing it now is existential, we might interpret "God" and the armageddon that happened to that place more abstractly; The practice of profit is an energy con, which always manifests as damage to the planet, which is reflected by increasing temperature. We are not aware of this so far, it seems we might be just evolving to become aware of it, that energy is money, always, and if we put a little money out expecting more back, its an energy con which can only propagate to the planet, because energy can't be created or destroyed, only pushed around.
Obviously the more we do this, the less resources there are left to go round everyone, hence we start looking around for who to cull, to cut down the population so as to gain a little more of the ever scarcifying resources for ourselves.
We should notice this forces a division even between men and women.
So now in the very advanced stages of this, kids of each sex are growing up with more and more wariness of the opposite sex, as they see more and more hurt being done to one another by adults, and they all have physical needs, which when they grown up, they are more and more turning to their own sex to satisfy those needs.
In the case of trans, it is most often males to females, they might see an economic need to do this, in order to have better chances of "Success" in life.
We can see all of this, and if we put the blame where it should go, it's to the profit monster, that systemically drives almost everything bad we can imagine. We should recognise it is an emergent property of any collective of individuals, all acting to gain profit over others.
We should see this as every bit as conscious as an LLM, only in this case it is exclusively powered by energy extracted from Earth. It can't be powered by the energy of the sun, because we can't steal energy from the sun, it gives what it gives for nothing in return.
Anyhow, where this goes is to conclude that "God", if there was such an all-knowing, all-seeing thing, would know all about this, and actually what was being described as something not good, was actually just an outcome, of carrying on the practice of profit, which was warned about. So we might say that the folk most unaware of this, indicated by being forced into "abnormal" same sex relations without them even realising it, by the profit monster, are those least likely to understand any of it, therefore those most likely to be carrying on with the business of profit, which has to result in their/our own destruction.
So it maybe isn't so much a practice that was being criticised by the religious texts, more a mindset, the same mindset as we can see is well on the way to destroying the planet right now.
On the ten commandments, they all make sense in terms of energy, given we will somehow get rid of the profit monster as necessary to start using the energy of the sun effectively.
Killing, is the taking of a life that might put some energy of the sun to use. All use of solar energy is good, the more we can use of it the better, it all winds down the temperature. It's the energy unused from the sun that is causing the temperature rise.
The ten commandments actually look more like definitions of energy crimes, or things leading to energy crimes.
You might be happy to know that similarly abstract interpretation of Yoruba faith has it that decentralisation is what is required, to fix the current problems.
It turns out that the only way to get the energy we need, in the quantity needed, sustainably, is by domestic and community solar, in order to effectively harvest the sun on the scale needed.
Also a tenet of Yoruba, if we recognise it, is inclusion. Nobody is excluded by it, where it is practiced not for profit.
Done right (ie in a way that works for everyone), it can actually be syncretised with christianity, Cuba has shown how to do that.
Does any of this make sense to you?