Frederick Bott
6 min readJul 25, 2021


This is an impressive story, well done, thanks for that.

I’ve found myself writing a lot about the same kinds of things in Medium because I know something is wrong.

What you call misalignment of incentives doesn’t quite scratch the itchy bit though, I think.

There is something happening which appears to blind many people to reality.

We perhaps all of us are affected to some degree, but some much more than others.

We tend to not see or recognise harm done, unless it is done to us personally.

If we happen to be profiting by it, then we seem to see no harm done at all.

Those profiting most from harm done to other humans actually are not bad in their own eyes, they may even see themselves as saviors in the world, and yet they may be responsible for causing the deaths of many others.

What is actually happening here?

I believe we may be getting close to understanding this, and believe it or not, religion might be coming back around, because it has to, and this time it will be supported by science.

When a very gifted mind spends most of the time thinking about how to make money, then it isn’t thinking how to benefit humanity.

Engineering, at least the best Engineering, is all about benefiting humanity.

I am an Engineer and that is what has always driven me.

Yes there is money in it, but that is an aside.

In the end, we do our best work for art.

You touched on that when you talked about the open source communities.

But, has anyone noticed the amount of time we’ve each had to spend thinking about money, and how to manage it in a way that we, and/or our businesses might just stay afloat, has increased recently, even exponentially?

I would love to be able to get back to doing what I do best, on the things I know we need, like a worldwide solar power grid, for example.

But our profit driven business model has a very serious fundamental flaw, which few people who have benefited from it seem prepared to admit, or even recognise exists.

It is all connected with energy.

And when we look closely at that, how it seems to affect us mentally, it does actually appear to align with religion.

That science and religion were divorced seems where the potential for an eventual problem began.

Yes we had an industrial revolution which has resulted in some amazing things, but how different might it have been, if we hadn’t lost sight of the warnings of religion?

I believe most people can’t or don’t want to understand that.

If human life was sacred to the point we must not kill, and was prioritised over money, things would be very different.

We would have infinitely more clever minds, thinking about how to benefit humanity, rather than how to make money.

If money was free, donated to us somehow by a magic source, more than we ever needed, guaranteed for ever, we wouldn’t be thinking about it.

We would be thinking how to benefit humanity.

You and I wouldn’t be writing stories like ours in Medium because we wouldn’t have to.

We’d be doing some much more productive and satisfying things.

But when we dig deeply into this money thing with a truly critical mind, we realise something religious.

We worship money.

And when we study physics, as we have to, to Engineer things that actually work, we realise the connection between money, and energy.

Think it isn’t connected, it absolutely is.

Money is matter is energy is information, they are all interchangeable.

But it all started as energy, and still does.

Energy is the fundamental source of all things.

Now maybe we realise actually it isn’t money we worship, but energy.

Money is just a manifestation from energy, as are all other things.

Not understanding that we worship energy, and maybe can’t even fully understand that we do, or why, seems something supernatural.

Energy has a supernatural quality of us worshiping it without understanding why, or even recognising it.

Now, we look at the sources of the energy we worship.

All of it comes from Earth, in some form or another.

All of it comes from beneath our feet.

We are currently almost completely engaged, the whole of humanity, worshiping that which comes from below, without even realising it.

With that, heat domes starting to appear over parts of humanity begin to fit more clearly in this picture of unconsciously worshiping that which comes from below.

Because the energy from below isn’t firsthand at all, it is all kinds of stored energy on Earth, which came originally from the sun.

So it is false energy, not from source, it is a false god.

Because we don’t realise or accept this, as yet, and immediately cease worshiping the false god of energy from below, next year the heat domes are likely to be worse.

This year we lost hundreds of lives to those, next year is likely to be much more.

Because these effects are heavily non linear, we can’t predict when the next burning will strike, or how bad it will be, all we know is it has to be worse.

It could even be the end, armageddon.

I could go on to outline all of the implications of this on all of science and society, but would be here all day.

One thing of note, there can never be a profit driven Ai, because profit as we can see, is anti-intelligence.

It is quite simply impossible for any kind of intelligence to survive, driven by profit.

All the while, business of profit is the underlying mechanism that locks us into the unsustainable Grand Energy Ponzi, of continually using the irreplaceable energy of Earth.

We might be too late to reverse the harm done.

But we will never know, if we just carry on like nothing is wrong.

JP Morgan stopped Nikolai Tesla from bringing us free solar power, which leads to free money, about 120 years ago.

The banks are still the holders and controllers of all of the money of humanity.

Solar powered proof of work tokens are pumping firsthand energy into the world economy for the first time in history.

So now when stimulus is issued, the value of it goes up, not down as predicted by conventional dilution of capital economics.

When the first stimulus of 4Tn was issued, equivalent to 10,000 dollars per head in US, oil prices went negative, for the first time in history, whilst the dollar value went up.

Shares in bankrupt companies soared, at least those in companies whose products were recognised, like cars for hire, and cruises on ships, that people wanted to preserve.

World ecology leaped back with a brief spike of recovery, corals started to reform, fishery stocks started to recover.

Just then, we caught a glimpse of how different the world could be, if we just turned on the money taps, and left them on.

As long as our consumption of energy (the money spent) stays below the value of the energy being utilised from the sun, by continuous creation of proof of work tokens from solar energy, all is good.

Meantime, our financial debt, translating directly to the energy debt owed to our planet, continues to mount, to a level our planet will not tolerate.

The sun is the ultimate authority, its energy is the thing that will absolutely burn us, if we can’t stop worshiping the false energy of Earth, and start to worship the true energy of the sun, without further delay.

In conclusion, I believe we are currently on the third of your three scenarios.

However, changing to the first could be done tomorrow, by the banks doing the right thing.

The second of your scenarios is not possible, in my opinion.

We will either have heaven or hell.

See, to me it all fits together, science and religion, like strawberries and cream.



Frederick Bott
Frederick Bott

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